Turret Whip

by Quentario on 16/12/2022

Salutes 0

"Warthog" Auto 210

"Warthog" Auto 210 icon
+1 Rate of Fire
+2 Magazine Size
+42 Max Ammo
+2 Pellets per Shot
x0.5 Base Spread
x0.4 Recoil
-0.5 Reload Time
+2 Magazine Size
+400% Armor Breaking
+1 Damage per Pellet
Shoot a Turret with the Shotgun to consume 5 turret ammo and fire a projectile in the direction currently being aimed at by the turret, with a 3 second cooldown between projectiles. Each projectile travels at 75 m/sec, does 160 Explosive element Area Damage in a 2m radius, has a 100% chance to stun for 1.5 seconds, inflicts 1.0 Fear, does 50% Friendly Fire damage, and has 200% Armor Breaking.
Changes the Shotgun from semi-automatic to fully automatic, +0.5 Rate of Fire
Magnetic Pellet Alignment

Breach Cutter

Breach Cutter icon
+1.5 Projectile Lifetime
+3 Magazine Size
+6 Max Ammo
+175 Beam DPS
+3m Plasma Beam Width
-0.2 Plasma Expansion Delay
-0.6 Reload Time
+200% Armor Breaking
+100% Stun Chance, 3 sec Stun duration
After firing a line and a 0.4 second delay, the player can press the fire button again to manually detonate the line dealing 40 Explosive element Area Damage in a 3.5m radius and leaving behind a 3.25m radius sphere of Persistent Plasma that does an average of 35.56 Fire Damage per second and slows enemies by 20% for 4.6 seconds. If the player doesn't detonate it manually, the line explodes at the end of its lifetime.
Leaves behind a Persistent Plasma field that does an average of 20 Fire Damage per second for 4.6 seconds. The Plasma field's width is 2/3 of the beam's width, and extends along the entire length of the beam's path.
Adds a line above and below the primary projectile (multiple lines hitting doesn't increase DPS)
Spinning Death

Platform Gun

Platform Gun icon

LMG Gun Platform

LMG Gun Platform icon

Engineering Suit

Engineering Suit icon
L.U.R.E. icon

Loadout Guide

Really satisfying to just shove the barrel down a grunt's mouth and fire once. A very turret-centric build.