This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Shard Diffractor
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
This build shreds. The LOK-1 already does great damage, but combined with the ability to instantly apply the burning status effect via your secondary's overclock, you can melt large enemies in mere seconds from the combined damage.
The overclock does normally bind you in place, however you can circumvent this by sprint jumping before you do it, and use the quick switch feature to unfreeze your dwarf.
The turrets don't do a lot of damage, but the point is they give you breathing room. There's 2, they build fast, and apply stun. More turrets means more bullets going out, and that means more stun to buy you space.
The SSGs are there for the same reason, to help buy you breathing room, while the platforms are used as last ditch resort death jumps. You can withstand insane damage with the fall damage reduction.