This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Fuzzy2426 on 02/12/2022

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Burning Hell
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Volatile Bullets
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Incendiary Grenade
Loadout Guide
- This variant of Fire Gunner switches out damage options for utility options. By replacing damage with ammo in tier 2, armor breaking with blowthrough in tier 3, and damage with spinup time in tier 4, you can quickly and reliable light several enemies on fire at close range.
How to Use
- Use at close range, and stay within 4m of enemies to ignite them. Use it on enemies that are both close to you and crowded around you, using the blowthrough rounds to ignite twice as many enemies. If you prefer, stop firing at an enemy once it is ignited, as this may help to make the most out of the damage over time (DoT) from the flames.
- Switch to the revolver and fire a single shot at a burning enemy to deal massive damage and prolong the fire status effect. Do not use the revolver on weak enemies.
- Use your ability to instantly create massive heat damage to support your team. Open fire at enemies frozen by your team to instantly trigger temperature shocks, or light enemies on fire for your team to freeze and temp shock. Fire at sludge puddles created by your team's driller to light them on fire and make them exceptional death traps for enemies.
- The tier 1 mods for the minigun are all interchangeable for this build. Although I chose Improved Platform Stability, Magnetic Refrigeration can be useful to help cool down the extra heat from the minigun, and Improved Motor can help to light enemies on fire even faster.