This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Mic. on 01/07/2023

"Warthog" Auto 210
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
Maybe not as mobile as the scout, but damn do you pack a punch.
RJ250 Compound gives you so much ammo that you can just blast jump to your heart's content and clear waves of grunts at the same time. Use it to move around the cave and lock down important vantage points for your team. Move your turret around so that it's always shooting something important.
"Warthog" Auto 210
Your bread and butter for dealing with larger targets. Try to get as close as possible since Cycle Overload's increased spread can be a bit tricky to work around. Luckily, the highly mobile playstyle of this loadout lets you position yourself around enemies super easily.
- T1: Overstuffed Magazine. Slightly higher DPS than taking fire rate if you're using Cycle Overload. It also makes the gun a bit more flexible.
- T2: Loaded Shells. Honestly, this tier ends up really just coming down to personal preference. I find the increased pellet count to really help with tanky targets. I'll sometimes swap to Expanded Ammo Bags for EDDs. Choke is also a great option if you don't like weapons with high spread.
- T3: Recoil Dampener. The kickback from trying to unload your entire clip into enemies as fast as possible makes the gun super inaccurate. Reducing the recoil really helps with making the gun a lot more accurate overall.
- T4: Bigger Pellets. Armour break is just really not worth it in this tier, more damage will always be better.
- T5: Turret Whip. This mod is criminally underused, being able to blast out a 160 damage projectile consistently is super powerful. Not only is it great against swarms, but really helps blast down Praetorians that you can't get an angle on. Also just really fun
- Overclock: Cycle Overload. Free damage. Really puts this gun's burst damage to a new level. The reload penalty is really negligible since it's super easy to animation-cancel (Just tap your pickaxe as soon as you load the magazine into the gun). The spread is very easily managed since we are playing super mobile with this loadout anyways. If you're struggling to deal with the spread then feel free to take Choke in T2.
Deepcore 40MM PGL
The thing that really makes this loadout work. Fantastic at clearing swarms with a lot of ammo as well. Oh yeah, and with our Overclock you can now rocket jump which is kinda cool I guess.
- T1: Extra Ammo. We'll be using this gun both as a mobility tool and as an actual weapon, so we want all the ammo we can get. RJ250 Compound also changes the +2 Ammo to +3 Ammo. So taking ammo in T1 and T2 gives you the max possible ammo on the PGL.
- T2: Extra Ammo. See above.
- T3: Incendiary Compound. This is what makes this loadout so effective. The fire damage, coupled with the fact that fire damage has no area falloff, means that all grunts caught in the AOE will be set on fire. This is means that they'll pretty much always die within a few seconds after being hit. This makes the gun a super effect swarm-clear tool. This mod also makes you take less damage from your blast jumps.
- T4: Nails + Tape. Increased AOE means more enemies will be hit with the blast and subsequently be set on fire. Concussive Blast is also not a bad option if you're struggling with managing swarms getting in your face.
- T5: Spiky Grenade. Allows you to set key targets on fire a bit easier (Spitballers, Brood Nexus, etc.). More damage is always good.
- Overclock: RJ250 Compound. Easily the best non-unstable OC for the PGL. As explained in T3, Incendiary Compound allows us to still kill all grunts in the blast radius even with the damage penalty of the overclock. So any extra damage is just overkill, making this OC super efficient. Not to mention the mobility provided by RJ250 is incredibly useful. Allows you to get into high places and escape tricky situations.
LMG Gun Platform
You can use any turret setup you want, but I've found the most success by running MKII with Quick Deploy. It allows you to jump around the map and set up your turret super fast. This allows you to hold down a location, jump away, redeploy your turret, rinse & repeat. Unless you're defending the objective, you don't ever have to reload your turret. T4 and T5 are pretty obvious choices. Armour break gives you more damage against pretty much all common enemies and makes your turret waste fewer shots on tanky targets. Defender System is too good to pass up.
Personal choice really, I like S.S.G. since they fit the mobile playstyle of this build better than any other grenade.
Screaming eagles!