This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Rat on 21/11/2022

"Warthog" Auto 210
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
build is mostly focused on single target with primary and secondary, the sentry and SSG serve to help against clumped, weaker enemies warthog: maxed dmg with firerate to counteract MPA's slower speed, stuffed mag and turret whip are mostly just preference PGL: maxed ammo with the 1.7x from RJ250 makes 20 shots, and going for stun, armor break, and direct damage makes it a useful tool againt small clumps of enemies and larger enemies, IE pretorians. also rocket jump go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sentry: built for me to place it at the start of a swarm wherever i am at the moment and then leave it alone because i generally dont bother with a lot of sentry stuff, yes hawkeye is underpowered but have you ever placed a sentry when you enter a cavern and watched it kill 3 cave leeches also the -inertia inhibitor on platforms is to cancel rocket jump fall dmg oh also i usually run berzerker with this for immediatelly getting rid of things that are immediately attacking you immediately ok thknk u fer looknign a my loduout by