This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by TotallyNotManagement on 16/11/2022

M1000 Classic
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
PERKS: Born Ready - Saves lots of time. Use it. Deep Pockets (Optional) - Helps you with minerals, so your engie doesn't complain about you doing "too much killing". Sweet Tooth (Optional) - Helpful speed boost and valuable extra health for high hazards.
-- This build emphasises high mobility crowd control and decisive priority target elimination. In other words, you clean up the trash for your team so they can focus on more important things. You're less of a wet noodle who mines stuff and more of a DPS support.
Primary Weapon: M1000 Classic
OVERCLOCK - ACTIVE STABILITY SYSTEM - This may strike you as an odd choice, but its downside is negligible in exchange for great increases in flexibility. I'd even argue it's better than Minimal Clips, but I digress. 1A - Since you'll be spending most of your time shooting, you'll need plenty of ammo. The damage upgrade doesn't improve most breakpoints anyway. 2C - Armour piercing to one-focus-shot grunts to the body. Especially helpful with 4A, as you don't need to hit the head to kill. 3B- Although it may seem counter-intuitive to skip out on higher focus damage when using A.S.S, the extra ammo allows nearly twice the focus shots in a single magazine. It also helps the slow reload of A.S.S without skipping 5A. 4A - Again, we don't need extra damage here. Blowthrough is much more valuable for this playstyle, as it makes your focus shots more efficient. 5A - Stuns help control engagements, especially against priority targets. It also helps against guards and Slashers, who can take a focused bodyshot. You could argue that the reload is better for A.S.S, but you won't be reloading that much with a 14-round mag anyways. Plus, you can just animation cancel.
Secondary Weapon: Boltshark Crossbow
OVERCLOCK - BODKIN POINTS - A potent grunt-clearer. Don't have time to line up a focus blowthrough shot? Just whip out this bad boy, and they'll be a speed boost on your boots in a matter of seconds.
1A - Pheromones are the best option for this build, as we need as much time as possible when fighting hordes. The Tasers and the Chemical Explosion bolts simply take too much time to set up, losing DPS. The slowdown and passive crowd control help with both crowds and priority targets alike.
2A - ESSENTIAL for Bodkin, as it allows one-shotting grunts.
3A - A nice quality-of-life upgrade, saving even more time.
4A - On-demand speed is always nice, especially when tackling hordes.
5A - A nice little increase to the Pheramone's effect duration, buying you more breathing room.
Equipment Suggestions
Grapple - Momentum helps you maintain your distance from hordes, giving you even more control. Flare Gun - Fast-firing, long-burn flares help you see more for a minimal time exchange. Born ready even reloads it for you. How thoughtful! Armour - A good shield will help protect you when you inevitably take some damage without draining your valuable health. Grenade - Either Cyro or Boomerang works well. Boomerang helps with crowds, Cyro helps with… well, everything. Your choice.