This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Skull_Mush on 14/11/2022

Deepcore GK2
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Loadout Guide
S3 Electrifying Reload
3 flat electricity damage per bullet on det + a buff to the DoT damage makes this weapon deal 19 flat + 120ish (on average) electrocute DoT damage. This means that you can kill a H5 grunt with 1 body shot.
Previously, you needed to take Damage + Armor Breaking to reach 2-shot kill threshold for a body shot, but this prevented you from taking RoF. Now you can guarantee that 10 grunts will die per second, with 30 grunts / magazine.
Being able to take the ammo node means you end up with 225 grunts per resup (give or take). This means Electrifying reload can easily carry your builds' horde clear, enabling you to take a specialized single target secondary.
1 bullet -> reload = set and forget webspitter kills like explosive reload subata (feels great)
Personally Armor Break > Hollow Points for this setup. GK2 Armor break node is one of the most powerful in general, and rounds out the build in regard to armored disruptive enemies (brundle, shellback).
Taser Trifork
- T1 is flex. Both Pheramone and corpse explosion are viable (and good) picks. I choose taser for immobilizing bulk / praet waves and applying electrocute to bosses for magnetic shafts. It allows for magnetic shaft + cryo combos to delete big bois. Taser Bolts are never the wrong thing to have with you.