"Excitable Explorer"

by SDLightowler on 21/02/2025

Salutes 8

Deepcore GK2

Deepcore GK2 icon
x0 Base Spread
+1 Rate of Fire
x0.73 Reload Time
+3 Direct Damage
+120 Max Ammo
-44.12% Spread per Shot and x0.5 Recoil
+10 Magazine Size
+20% Weakpoint Bonus
+500% Armor Breaking
After killing an enemy, gain +50% Movement Speed and increase Spread Recovery Speed by x12.5 for 2.5 seconds
+2 Rate of Fire
+35% chance to Stun on Weakpoint hit
Gas Rerouting

Zhukov NUK17

Zhukov NUK17 icon
+100 Max Ammo
+1 Direct Damage
+10 Magazine Size
+8 Rate of Fire
-0.6 Reload Time
+1 Direct Damage
x0.4 Base Spread
+1 Penetration
+30% Weakpoint Bonus
+100 Max Ammo
+33% Direct Damage dealt to enemies either being Electrocuted or affected by Scout's IFG grenade
+50% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds after reloading an empty magazine
Cryo Minelets

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook icon

Flare Gun

Flare Gun icon

Light Scouting Suit

Light Scouting Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
Voltaic Stun Sweeper
Voltaic Stun Sweeper icon

Loadout Guide

About "Excitable Explorer":

>>Screenshot! Click & See!<<

This loadout is pretty much my standard Scout loadout. This one is focused on freezing, stunning, and shocking enemies before dispensing them quickly, which makes for a decent Multiplayer support role.


GK2 Combat Rifle: With the Gas Rerouting overclock, I can get a slightly faster rate of fire and the fastest reload possible, making for a decent general purpose weapon to dispatch most enemies while the secondary weapon and throwable provide status effects.

Zhukov Dual SMGS: Cryo Minelets is an amazing overclock once you're used to how it works. You can spray the ground before yourself and let a swarm walk into the minelets and freeze them before finishing them off with the GK2. In the case of a Pretorean or Oppressor, or any other high value target, you can safely freeze most of them by shooting at them and form the minelets around them or underneath them, thanks to the Tier 4A mod, Blowthrough Rounds.

Stun Sweeper: This throwable is great for the effect of stunning and electricuting multiple enemies, completing this loadout's supportive role in Multiplayer missions.


  • Born Ready
  • Thorns
  • Resupplier
  • Hover Boots (Solo) / Field Medic (Multiplayer)
  • Beast Master*

*I like to use Beast Master for the Scout because if the Scout can light up the ceiling with his flare gun and make it easier to spot cave leeches (which is the main incentive why I use Heightened Senses on a lot of my loadouts), then Beast Master is a more fitting choice.