by SDLightowler on 25/02/2025

CRSPR Flamethrower
Colette Wave Cooker
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Loadout Guide
About "Pyro Mode":
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This loadout is pretty straightforward in which the point of using it is to burn everything in sight, with the additional option to trigger thermal shocks and form blisters with the Wave Cooker's Blistering Necrosis OC.
This loadout can be used on most missions, including Industrial Sabotages. In the latter case, swapping out the Wave Cooker for the EPC with the Heavy Hitter overclock and the Tier 5A mod, Burning Nightmare, can make a huge difference in a Sabotage mission.
Flamethrower: Compact Feed Valves is a very flexible overclock. Most of the time I prefer to have Teir 3A for a faster flow rate and Tier 5A, Heat Radiance. Both mods combined makes for a high DPS and faster Heat Ignition against anything in range. This is especially effective against Dreadnaughts and Rival Tech Robots in their respective cases. Also, the additional range from Tier 1B gives the Flamethrower just enough reach to hit the Caretaker's eye on Sabatage operations.
Wave Cooker: While most players like to mod this sidearm for triggering Thermal Shocks, and with additional ammo from the Mega Power Supply OC, I like to take it a step further. I use Blistering Necrosis for even more additional burst damage, even on enemies I couldn't ignite or thermal shock before (especially Dreadnaughts).
Neurotoxin Grenade: While the Impact Axe is still the Driller's most popular throwable for it's high single target damage, I find that the Neurotoxin Grenade has better compatibility with the Flamethrower because I can light the gas on fire to clear out as many bugs that I can round up beforehand. It takes a little foresight to use this way, but the area clearing payoff is worthwhile.
Drills: I don't use them as a weapon for this loadout like I would with "Cryo Mode", but they do come in handy for blocking Spitballer projectiles and drilling underneath stationary enemies and obstacles like Rival Turrets, Ejector Cacti, and Deeptora Nests.
- Born Ready
- Elemental Insulation (Thorns is okay, but the Heat Radiance mod functions the same way)
- Resupplier
- Hover Boots (Solo) / Field Medic (Multiplayer)
- Heightened Senses