"Erudite Eradicator"

by SDLightowler on 31/08/2024

Salutes 4

LOK-1 Smart Rifle

LOK-1 Smart Rifle icon
+6 Direct Damage
+72 Max Ammo
x0.2 Acquire Lock Threshold, x2 Lock-On Range
+1.3° Acquire Lock Threshold, x1.5 Lose Lock Threshold
+10m Lock-On Range
+20% Damage to Electrified Targets and +20% Damage to Burning Targets
Lock-On now prioritizes low health enemies, and will only place as many Locks on an enemy as are required to kill it.
+3 Penetrations
x0.85 Lock-On Time
+6 Max Number of Lock-Ons
Targets with 3 or more Locks are Electrocuted by the first Locked-On bullet that damages them. The Electrocute DoT does 12 Electric-element Damage per Second, slows enemies by 80%, and lasts for 3 seconds.
Full Lock adds 20% more Direct Damage to all shots fired during the burst.
Every time you release a Lock-On burst, the last bullet fired emits an aura of Fear to all enemies near you. For every bullet fired during the Lock-On burst, add 0.15 Fear to the aura (ranges from 30% Base Fear Chance at 1 Lock to 375% Base Fear Chance at 24 Locks). The aura's radius starts at 2.4m and each bullet fired during the Lock-On burst increases it by +0.15m (ranges from 2.55m at 1 Lock to 6m at 24 Locks).
Seeker Rounds

Deepcore 40MM PGL

Deepcore 40MM PGL icon
+1m AoE Radius
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
+2 Max Ammo
+20 Area Damage
Lose 50% of Direct, Area, and Armor Damage, and convert it to Heat that will ignite enemies
+500% Armor Breaking
+180% Projectile Velocity
Anywhere from x0.8 - x1.4 damage per shot, averaged to x1.1
+1m AoE Radius
Stuns creatures within the blast radius for 3 seconds
After 0.2 seconds of arming time, any grenade that passes within 2m of an enemy will detonate after a 0.1 second delay. After being armed, grenades will emit a green light. Grenades no longer explode upon impacting terrain, but instead automatically self-detonate 3.3 seconds after being fired or when they stop moving. Additionally, x1.1 AoE Radius.
+60 Direct Damage to any target directly impacted by a grenade.
Changes the PGL to add the player's current velocity to the grenades being fired, instead of using a flat velocity for every grenade.
RJ250 Compound

Platform Gun

Platform Gun icon

LMG Gun Platform

LMG Gun Platform icon

Engineering Suit

Engineering Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
L.U.R.E. icon

Loadout Guide

About "Erudite Eradicator":

>>Screenshot! Click & See!<<

This loadout pretty much uses the leftover choices from "Gigawatt Genius" and "Killer Keener" Not a loadout that I would choose for every mission, but it does offer an interesting method of killing enemies in quick multitudes.


Smart Rifle: Modded for dealing raw damage and for hitting enemies easily regardless of armor or terrain, thanks to Seeker Rounds. You're not necessarily going for a high DPS with this weapon. You're just going for the highst burst damage on as many enemies as possible. Seeker Rounds also makes it easier to damage Dreadnaughts without having to aim for their weakpoints, but it won't aim for the Dreadnaught Hiveguard's three head fins.

Grenade Launcher: The RJ250 Compound makes the Grenade Launcher an additional traversal tool and you can still mod it any way you like. While you could mod it for max ammo and give it the Tier 3A mod for lighting enemies on fire and let them burn slowly, I personally like to use this weapon for straight up area damage. Even then, I can still get a couple more rounds from the overclock, just with the bonus feature of boost-jumping.

L.U.R.E.: This choice of throwable is the reason to have the Grenade Launcher handy. Just deploy a hologram, round up the horde of bugs, then KABOOM! Compared to other grenades, this one fits best with this loadout for it's defensive purpose.

Mk2 Turret: Much like how I use it for my "Killer Keener" loadout, I just use this for quick and easy cover fire.


  • Born Ready
  • Thorns
  • Resupplier
  • Hover Boots (Solo) / Field Medic (Multiplayer)
  • Heightened Senses