"Rocket Rook"

by SDLightowler on 31/08/2024

Salutes 4

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System icon
+72 Max Ammo
+4 Direct Damage
+0.8m AoE Radius
+7.5 m/sec Max Velocity, x2.25 Turn Rate
+100% Armor Breaking
x2 Magazine Size
+1 Rate of Fire
+50% Weakpoint Bonus
+4 Area Damage
Convert 33% of Direct Damage and Area Damage to Heat
Any enemy damaged by a rocket has a 25% Chance to be Stunned for 3 seconds
For every 0.75 seconds that a missile has flown through the air, it gains +1 Area Damage.
Overtuned Feed Mechanism

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun icon
+3 Direct Damage
x0.6 Spread per Shot, -30% Base Spread
+1 Penetration
x0.5 Recoil
-0.7 Reload Time
+2 Rate of Fire (translates to less time between bursts)
+12 Magazine Size
+3 Direct Damage
+200% Armor Breaking
+72 Max Ammo
+40% Weakpoint Bonus
Stun an enemy for 4 seconds if all 3 shots in a burst hit
+3 Bullets per Burst, -0.02 sec delay between bullets during burst
Composite Casings

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon


Pickaxe icon
Tactical Leadburster
Tactical Leadburster icon

Loadout Guide

About "Rocket Rook":

>>Screenshot! Click & See!<<

This loadout works much like "Zipline Rider" but with the ability to guide the shots to anything the Gunner keeps his aim on. The zipline strategy is the same, but you will have a much easier time killing Mactera with either weapon, since the stun effect from either weapon can prevent them from spitting on you. There's no serious pros or cons to list, as this loadout is meant to be a general purpose loadout.


Guided Rocket System: The Overtuned Feed Mechanism overclock makes for faster DPS and rocket trajectory. Fragmentation Missiles is an alternative overclock if you want a little more AoE, but the former choice can allow for the larger magazine size from Tier 3A while you still get the benefit of the faster fire rate. Either clean overclock will allow you to utilize the Guided Rocket System's base performance.

Burst Fire Gun: The Composite Casings overclock helps with the base weapon's shortcomings with ammo and burst rate, allowing for optimally modding the sidearm for better general use. You'll be using this weapon in the case you want to quickly stun and take out enemies faster than the rockets can.

Leadburster: Of all the Gunner loadouts I use, I feel that this throwable has a place here. The area clearing potential is as amazing as you'd expect, but be careful not to use it in a room with a Dreadnaught Cocoon because you'll prematurely break it open and you and your teammates may not be ready to fight it yet.


  • Born Ready
  • Thorns (Solo) / Vampire (Mulitplayer)
  • Resupplier
  • Hover Boots (Solo) / Iron Will (Multiplayer)
  • Heightened Senses