by SDLightowler on 31/08/2024

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
About "Space Grunt":
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This is a straightforward loadout that fully utilizes the Gunner's starting weapons. It's great to use on just about any mission and is highly viable in Deep Dives. There's hardly any downsides to this loadout besides the expected limitations of the Gunner class's mobility and the common issue of going through Minigun ammo relatively fast.
Minigun: Modded for damage, accuracy, and an emergency AoE effect from the Tier 5A mod, which can help quite a bit on higher Hazard levels. While Tier 1B can bring the DPS up to 221 and tier 4B can make the weapon shoot nearly as soon as you pull the trigger, you can actually get the same DPS by going with Tier 4A and still deal a consistent DPS at long range with the Tier 1C mod, if you don't mind the half-second spin-up.
Revolver: Magic Bullets makes the Revolver VERY EASY to use on just about anything (except for Robots because you can't poison them with the Tier 5B mod). You can even shoot the walls and ceilings in tight hallways to dispatch Mactera easily. And with the maximum ammo possible, you can have the Revolver handy as a substitue primary weapon while the Minigun can be saved for higher value targets.
Sticky Grenade: Generic, but always dependable, Sticky Grenades can clear out bugs if you throw and make them stick at the right spot, or on the right enemy. They're much more stable and consistent than Clusters and better to use situationally on most enemies (including Dreadnaughts).
General Strategy:
- Have the Revolver ready at first for shooting at oncoming swarms.
- Throw Sticky Grenades to soften up tighter clusters if necessary.
- Whip out the Minigun to quickly take down larger targets or a cluster of grunts that come toward you head-on so they can be shot in their mouths and die quickly in rapid succession.
- ALWAYS remember to throw down the Shield Generator if.. 1.) There's too many enemies to deal with all at once. 2.) A teammate needs to be revived. 3.) You and your teammates have to use the Resupply Pod.
- Elemental Resistance
- Thorns (Solo) / Vampire (Multiplayer)
- Resupplier
- HoverBoots (Solo) / Iron Will (Multiplayer)
- Heightened Senses