This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Voytech on 16/12/2022

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Salvo Module
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Lead Spray
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Sticky Grenade
Loadout Guide
P1: Born Ready P2: Resupplier P3: Vampire A1: See you in Hell A2: Beast Master | Head: Deafcon Headset Armor: MK3 Paint: Black Crag Skin: Brown Brows: Deep Protuberance Sides: Cropped Authoritarian Stache: Explosive Tangle Beard: Paintbrush Hair: Silverfox | Front: Blight Guard Back: Chop-Chop Head: Core Hound Shaft: Drift Crusher Handle: Bug Hide Pommel: Incorruptible Paint: Arc Welder | Frame: Mechanised Paint: First Stripe | Frame: Stock Paint: First Stripe