This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Negatory.wav on 18/10/2022

Corrosive Sludge Pump
Experimental Plasma Charger
Loadout Guide
Why take this over REAL Sticky Fuel?
- Longer flame duration
- Greater slowdown maybe
- Can utilize glorious EPC synergy
- Don't have to use the CRSPR 🤢🤢
Obviously you aren't gonna use the CRSPR because it is yucky and gross. And the Cryo Cannon perfect as is. So we use the Sludge Pump to repurpose it into the ultimate damage source.
We take Goo Bomber Special since it gives us a solid trail of Goop in addition to more fragments and longer puddle duration. This allows it to compete with Sticky Fuel
Tier 1 Mods
Obviously, we want to have bigger puddles
Tier 2 Mods
Normal shots don't matter, so 2C is ignored. Then between 2A and 2B, 2B is more useful as it allows for more continous trails of sludge. Additionally, extra fragment damage doesn't help when our goal with charge shots is to hit the ground, not enemies.
Tier 3 Mods
This is a polarizing pick. More duration, or more ammo? As with normal Sticky Fuel, this is more up to preference. I believe the capacity of more trails is more useful than greater trail duration.
Tier 4 Mods
We do not value our time here. So 4A is the clear pick.
Tier 5 Mods
While puddle damage would be nice, it would not affect the flame DoT at all. probably. So increased slowdown makes more sense, as it would allow enemies more time to get ignited while inside the puddle. This decision also makes the weapon more similar to Sticky Fuel.
We clearly cannot use Wavecooker or Subata, since they lack any means of igniting sludge puddles. And the Experimental Plasma Charger is the greatest weapon in the game, so we would have chosen it anyway.
This might seem crazy, but Heavy Hitter kinda mid.
The heat done by a normal shot infused with the Plasma Burn mod is 1/4 its damage plus 5. So if we do 20 damage, that would be 10 heat. If we did 40 damage, that would be 15. The sludge puddles are supposed to catch on fire after 20 heat is applied to them. Although, it seems to take 3 shots instead of 2 to ingite them with this build.
Nonetheless, it is still better to take maximum ammo with the EPC than maximum damage. Just seeing the formula for normal shot heat makes that pretty apparent.
If every shot does 5 heat by default, and damage only contributes a 4th of itself as heat, then damage does not matter as much as how many shots you can dish out (i.e. ammo count). You can experiment yourself to see if my logic holds. I'm not really the type of guy to put that much effort into testing things in this game.
Tier 1 Mods
Ammo is better than damage, and charged shots don't matter at all as usual. Kinda wish they made charged shots more useful
Tier 2 Mods
We aren't using charged shots, so 2A is out of question. Therefor we go with 2B.
Tier 3 Mods
Again, we aren't gonna be using charged shots (unless we thought we had TCF and foolishly tried to mine a vein of Nitra), so we go with increased cooling. To be fair, better cooling is good on its own anyway. Being able to spam shots to ignite Patrol Bots or desparately save your Dwarven comrade from across the cave as they get grabbed by a Cave Leech is especially nice when accustomed to Heavy Hitter's poor sustained fire.
Tier 4 Mods
Again, we gain no value from charged shots. And extra ammo is our boon anyway.
Tier 5 Mods
This is what makes the whole build. Plasma Burn. While many people would wheep at the thought of losing out on Thin Containment Field and its endless fun, one must give up such joys to partake in true extravagence. And Flying Nightmare is absolute dog.
Well... You shoot a charged shot with your primary, and shoot three shots into the puddle with your secondary! Make sure your sludge trail is continous so the fire can spread across its entirety. Otherwise, you'll end up with a very small fire. You can also use your primary for its usual funny moments like shooting straight into the air to rain down on a Praetorian. But even funnier than that, is firing a charge shot straight into the air to ignite all 18 puddles at once. For some reason, this seems to drastically increase the heat generated from the puddles compared to igniting a trail of them spread out. I haven't tested this phenomenon myself very much, but it is comedic.
Is this actually a good build?
lmao no. but at least you don't have to use CRSPR :P