Cold Radiance aka Dr. Freeze

by Dukarian on 14/08/2020

Salutes 31

Cryo Cannon

Cryo Cannon icon
x0.33 Pressure Drop Rate
-0.4 sec Chargeup Time
+1 Cold per Particle
+75 Tank Size
+5m Cold Stream Reach
-1 sec Repressurization Delay
x1.75 Pressure Gain Rate
+1.6 Flow Rate
+3 Damage per Particle
+1 Cold per Particle
+150 Tank Size
When a particle from Cryo Cannon damages a Frozen enemy and brings its health below 100 "true" hp, it has a (1 - hp/100) probability to deal the remaining hp as Kinetic Damage.
Cool down enemies within 4m of you at a rate of 60 Cold/sec. This stacks with the direct stream and Ice Path's cold sources as well.
Tuned Cooler

Experimental Plasma Charger

Experimental Plasma Charger icon
+5 Regular Shot Direct Damage
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
x0.4 Heat per Second when fully charged
+25% Regular Shot Velocity
-2 Ammo per Charged Shot
x2.5 Charge Speed
+50% Cooling Rate
+1m Charged Shot AoE Radius
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
Charged Shots now deal their Direct Damage to enemies hit by the projectile while in-flight, but it no longer explodes upon impact (functionally removing Area Damage). Deals x3 damage vs Frozen targets. Additionally: x0.3 AoE Radius. Regular Shots do [5 plus 25% of their Direct Damage] Heat per shot which can ignite enemies, and 70% of the Charged Shot's damage is converted to Fire-element + Heat.
Shoot the Charged Shot with a Regular Shot before it impacts anything to make it detonate for 240 Damage and carve terrain within a 3m radius. Additionally: x0.8 Heat per Regular Shot and x0.8 Heat per Charged Shot.
Regular Shots now do 10 Fire-element Area Damage in a 1.5m Radius in exchange for -10 Direct Damage.
Heat Pipe

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon

Loadout Guide

build that freeze everything in 5m radius around driller super fast !tip for big targets - remember first to freeze the ground under big creatures than focus them (more efficient) cryo build have decent range to reach easy breeders/menaces and acid spitters EPC - TCF (thin containment field) - because you can freeze 20 grunds very fast and than with one shot to take them all impact axes are very important for this build because of opressors - freeze opressor than hit with the axe (he take 50% more dmg from mele and axe is count as mele). so he need 2 axes on haz5 4 dwarves and 1 power atack to die save a lot of teammates ammo