This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by LoneXG on 14/08/2020

"Warthog" Auto 210
Breach Cutter
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
1.7k hours I play modded DRG haz6 and haz7 I'm also an engi main and this is what I recommend loadout wise for haz5.
Warthog: For easy one taps and ammo economy, straight forward gun.
Breach Cutter: aka "BC OP as F***" take this build always, take stun as BC damage ignores armour, so armour break is useless.
Are there better builds for certain scenarios? sure there are builds for every scenario and rng wave composition, however there is no way of knowing the spawn tables till you load in the game and fight the first wave.
This build works for all mission types to a very high degree of efficiency, Damage with no Ammo compromise.