Drae's Loadout A - "Through The Fire and The Flames"

by Drae. on 03/11/2022

Salutes 1

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun icon
+1.5 Cooling Rate, -0.15 sec Cooling Delay
+4 Rate of Fire
x0.25 Base Spread
+600 Max Ammo
+2 Damage per Pellet
+200% Armor Breaking
+20% Stun Chance, +2 second Stun duration
+1 Penetration
+15% Damage per Pellet after reaching Base Spread
-0.4 seconds spinup time
Increases how long the Minigun stays at Max Stability from 0.5 sec to 1.25 sec, +1 second spindown time
After overheating, deal 60 Heat Damage and 100% chance to apply Fear to all enemies within a 10m radius. Additionally, reduces Overheat duration from 10 seconds to 5.
Every kill subtracts 0.6 Heat from the Heat Meter (maxes at 9.5 Heat) and thus increases the firing duration before overheating
After the Heat Meter turns red, 50% of the Damage per Pellet gets added as Heat which can ignite enemies.
Burning Hell

"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver

"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver icon
-0.7 Reload Time
x0.3 Base Spread
+10 Direct Damage
-80% Spread per Shot, x0.75 Recoil
+12 Max Ammo
+3 Penetrations
+30 Area Damage in a 1.5m radius, x0.5 Direct Damage
+35% Weakpoint Bonus
+12 Max Ammo
+10 Direct Damage
No aim penalty while moving
50% chance to inflict Neurotoxin DoT on all enemies hit by the Revolver. Neurotoxin does an average of 12.0 Poison Damage per Second for 10 seconds
Volatile Bullets

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon
Incendiary Grenade
Incendiary Grenade icon

Loadout Guide


My Builds were not tested for Hazard 5/Elite Deep Dives.

Build description

This personal favorite out of most of my builds is focusing on two things, shooting bugs and seeing them burn alive while shooting them down. Burning Hell overclock together with Aggresive Venting make a great combo of overheating your gun whenever you need it to scare away and burn alot of bugs, allowing you to shoot the more tanky ones with your absolute beast of a gun - Volatile Bullets Bulldog. If three shotting a Bulk Detonator does not sound powerful to you, then i do not know what does. Tier 5 is once again your personal preference - either Aggresive Venting to scare away and burn many bugs at close range, allowing you to potentially save up a shield or Hot Bullets to burn bugs at longer distances to finish them off with the Bulldog revolver.


PASSIVE - Thorns, Resupplier, Born Ready ACTIVE - Iron Will, Heightened Senses