This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Drae. on 01/12/2022

Cryo Cannon
Experimental Plasma Charger
Reinforced Power Drills
Satchel Charge
Heavy Drill Suit
Loadout Guide
My Builds were not tested for Hazard 5/Elite Deep Dives.
Build description
Favorite Driller build from the bunch, this build focuses on the Cryo Cannon and usage of your drills, power attacks and your Impact Axes for health regain and your damage - you're also equipped with Heavy Hitter EPC and Snowball overclocks to deal with ranged threats aswell as shooting frozen bugs and flash freezing swarms in a tight situation - Thin Containment Field can also be used in combat, but I mostly use it for EPC Mining. Cold Radiance in tier 5 is chosen due to the fact that you freeze things faster closer to you, including those sneaky swarmers.
Perks: PASSIVE - Thorns, Resupplier, Vampire ACTIVE - Dash/Iron Will, Heightened Senses