This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Skull_Mush on 13/09/2022

LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Shard Diffractor
Efficiency Tweaks
Loadout Guide
Lok-1 (Eraser)
- T1: Ammo (or Damage). Ammo is better for CC, damage has better breakpoints.
- T2: Narrow Arperture--allows for singling out targets, requires you to look at multiple targets while acquiring locks. Take zoom lens if this aiming style doesn't work for you.
- T3: SMRT. Synergises well with Fear Frequency + max locks. Ensures you fire a lot of bullets, getting more out of your fear proc.
- T4: Max locks. This OC has the most you can get, and the screw off you get from max locks is glorious.
- T5. Fear Frequency. Lets you gun down priority targets while keeping the melee off of you.
- T1: Damage
- T2: Hollow Points (more damage for your damage)
- T3: Charge Speed (uptime)
- T4: Heat (until S3 I guess)
- T5: Dazzler--since no bonus electric damage, lock down a priority target while nuking it in the weak spot.
Grenades: Bursters
Use a burster to chip down / thin out a horde, then shred them with Lok.