This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by EpicCrisis on 30/01/2021

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Neurotoxin Payload
BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
Experimental Rounds
Loadout Guide
This build mainly focuses on the gunner's ability to deal crowd control and area damage from medium to long range with the primary weapon, while still having a reliable alternative to dish out burst damage and a stun disable with the secondary weapon.
Neurotoxin and suppressive fire coupled with a high rate of fire allows you to proc effects as quickly as possible. Effective against small to medium bugs in general.
Experimental rounds with burst stun lets you deal good burst damage and a short to long range disable. Effective against large and flying bugs such as Praetorians, Menaces, and Mactera.
- Autocannon
- Suppressive fire provides you and your team with more breathing room and more time for the neurotoxin to straight up kill grunts. What this means is triggering both of these to a large group of grunts from long range let's you completely cancel the swarm as they would all die before reaching you or your team. You save more ammo and can shift your attention to other threats during crucial moments.
- The neurotoxin slow can work well in slowing down slow enemies even further. Usually when you're dealing with Oppressors or Detonators.
- Triggering neurotoxin by sniping at enemies is a great way to save ammo. Good when you're dealing with Spitters or a large bug far away.
- Burst Fire Gun
- Experimental rounds OC is an underrated alternative to the lead spray and is primarily chosen because of its accuracy. The bonus damage is well and good for tearing down large bugs, but the utility for the stun let's you cancel out any channeling attacks at longer ranges as well as giving a clear shot at the enemy weak point for you and your team.
- The burst stun synergizes well with the autocannon's neurotoxin and fear to completely incapacitate Praetorians.
- Gives you and your team more time to kill fast enemies such as Menaces and Wardens that are recovering from stun.