This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Dukarian on 14/08/2020

"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
Lead Storm
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Magic Bullets
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
High single target dmg with good accuracy for long distance fight + crazy AoE dmg including slow and stun. trick with Leadstorm OC is to learn how to manipulate enemies and bunny hopping around evading dmg, it is not good to stay always on zipline and shoot because with this build you cannot use blowthrough rounds proper trick for magic bullets is to hit close to the targets not directly the target to let ricochet and explosive rounds to do the job and spread the neurotoxin and Yes it is rly different from ricochet OC because ricochet here can hit multiple targets and poison them all