Snowball + Microwave Generalist Driller

by QuantumOof on 03/09/2022

Salutes 1

Cryo Cannon

Cryo Cannon icon
x0.33 Pressure Drop Rate
-0.4 sec Chargeup Time
+1 Cold per Particle
+75 Tank Size
+5m Cold Stream Reach
-1 sec Repressurization Delay
x1.75 Pressure Gain Rate
+1.6 Flow Rate
+3 Damage per Particle
+1 Cold per Particle
+150 Tank Size
When a particle from Cryo Cannon damages a Frozen enemy and brings its health below 100 "true" hp, it has a (1 - hp/100) probability to deal the remaining hp as Kinetic Damage.
Cool down enemies within 4m of you at a rate of 60 Cold/sec. This stacks with the direct stream and Ice Path's cold sources as well.

Colette Wave Cooker

Colette Wave Cooker icon
+2 Damage
+100 Magazine Size
x3 Shot Width
-20% Heat Generation
+2 Rate of Fire
+50% Cooling Rate, -0.5 Overheat Duration
Enemies damaged will have their movespeed slowed by 50% for 1 second
Whenever the CWC damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it inflicts 50% of its damage as Heat or 75% as Cold (respectively) to all enemies within a 2.5m radius (including the Burning/Frozen enemy itself). This causes the primary target to have an extended Burning or Frozen duration, while also causing nearby enemies to start to Ignite or Freeze.
Press Reload to toggle Wide Lens Add-On off/on. When activated, x1.25 Shot Width in exchange for +110% Heat Generation.
Press Reload to toggle Power Supply Overdrive off/on. When activated, +2.5 Rate of Fire in exchange for x0.1 Shot Width and +40% Heat Generation
x1.3 Damage vs enemies afflicted by Neurotoxin, Corrosion, or Sludge Puddles. Additionally, a 10% chance per ammo to spread Neurotoxin from the primary target to nearby enemies.
Enemies killed by the Wave Cooker have a 50% chance to explode, dealing 100 Explosive Area Damage in a 2.5m radius.
Every time the Wave Cooker damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it has a 25% chance to trigger Exothermic Reactor. Exothermic Reactor sets the enemy's temperature back to zero, applies Temperature Shock to them (dealing 200 Disintegrate-element damage), and causes the enemy to deal 50 Temperature "damage" in a 2m radius -- Heat if they were Burning, or Cold if they were Frozen.
Mega Power Supply

Reinforced Power Drills

Reinforced Power Drills icon

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon

Loadout Guide

A cryo driller I recently have played a lot, I feel it brings out the best in the microwave (especially after trying to use it with fire for months)

This loadout, while just slightly ammo inefficient, specializes in killing a lot of bug at once. If playing with teammates, my recommendation is to let them kill stuff if you can, especially if it's just a few things. You can use this loadout with fire gunners/drillers, which i've done, but you will want to be mindful of what your teammates are doing and onlky come in for the temp shock when they've gotten the volatile or if it's just more than they want to handle.

------------------------------------ Cryo

I ended up taking both ammo upgrades to offset the decrease from the OC, I personally feel anything below 600 on the cryo is a little too low for max ammo.

T1 Stronger cooling unit - makes it a little more quick to freeze things, I feel the turbine spinup and tank capacity aren't too big of a deal here (swarmers and spitters you can just instantly microwave) T3 Improved pump - fixes the decrease in repress. speed, you still have to take a second if you empty the chamber (which shouldn't happen much but it can) but you're not out of the fight for too long. You can take fire rate here if you're confident you won't empty it, but I preferred the fast refill here. T5 Cold radiance - Especially if you've got teammates, shatter isn't necessary here. If you bring a subata I'd take it but the microwave will clear everything out. I was actually surprised how many times it'd bail me out from a couple grunts that show up behind.

Snowball OC - Completely shuts down large groups of grunts, just be sure to time a jump for when it comes out to be sure you hit the middle of the group. Can freeze praetorians, useful for quickly shutting one up that you let too close to you (or you can axe it to stun) and this OC is great at increasing your range dramatically. Freeze that menace on the ceiling for your team to take out or to temp shock with your microwave. Be sure to not overuse it, still primarily be using the normal fire for your ammo to hold out.

Microwave Clean up after you freeze everything. Damage ends when you temp shock, so get axes in before you microwave. Mega power supply for good general use. T4 wide lens - makes it easier to clean everything up with minimal effort, just don't hold down the trigger for too long. Excells at close enemies, freeze a couple grunts in the front and microwave them to freeze the others. Get a good chain going here. Especially good for bunkers, everything has to walk through the temp cloud.

C4s - 4 charges for ammo efficiency and rock mover to make your job a little easier.

Drills - Both speed upgrades because it feels better. You can take vampirism still with no damage mod and it will work just fine. Make sure you don't overheat.