This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Skull_Mush on 28/08/2022

M1000 Classic
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Special Powder
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
Grenades: Cryo
- Max single target DPS with recoil reduction. Hip firing faces and rapid-faceshotting feels like it clears faster then armor break + passthrough, and you can be a lot more tenacious about picking off stray grunts when you don't restrict your firing angles to what works with passthrough.
- Recoil reduction also allows you to rapid fire it while midair, which you will be a lot between grapple and special powder.
- Temp shock setup with more ammo for spammability.
- 15 damage pellets for tight groups of swarmers.
- white phosphorous gives 67 heat with one damage upgrade, which is a really good breakpoint for easy-ignite enemies (mactera, goo bombers, bulks, spitballers).
- ignite -> hipster weapoint spam can kill a lot of priority targets before they can trouble you (spitballers, goo bombers, etc.) So you don't need to lean on cryo nades much.
- T4 is flex, for whatever you feel like you need. Passthrough is what I run for mass temp shock (helps get more clear out of a cryo nade after hipstering frozen praets), as well as repeat temp shocking praetorian waves. Armor break rounds out the single target capabilities for guards / brundles / shellbacks, but I usually find just hitting them with cryoo or ignite is a better option.