Ice & Fire Problem Sovler Scoot

by Skull_Mush on 28/08/2022

Salutes 2

M1000 Classic

M1000 Classic icon
+40 Max Ammo
+10 Direct Damage
+25% Focus Speed
-30% Spread per Shot, x0.8 Max Bloom, x0.5 Recoil
+220% Armor Breaking
+25% Focused Shot Modifier
+6 Clip Size
+3 Penetrations
+20% Weakpoint Bonus
Focused shots Stun enemies for 3 seconds
Killing an enemy with a Focused Shot to a Weakpoint will inflict 2.5 Fear on enemies within 4m of the kill
Manually reloading within 1 second after a kill reduces reload time by 0.75 seconds

Jury-Rigged Boomstick

Jury-Rigged Boomstick icon
+8 Max Ammo
+3 Damage per Pellet
+7.5 Rate of Fire
-0.7 Reload Time
+20% Stun Chance per Pellet, +3.5 seconds Stun duration
+12 Max Ammo
+3 Pellets per Shot
+3 Penetrations
+300% Armor Breaking
+20 Blastwave Damage to any enemies in the area extending 4m infront of you.
Reloads automatically when unequipped for more than 5 seconds
Deal 0.5 Fear Factor to all enemies within 5m of you every time you pull the trigger
Convert 50% of Pellet damage to Fire element and add 50% of the Damage per Pellet as Heat which can ignite enemies
Special Powder

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook icon

Flare Gun

Flare Gun icon

Light Scouting Suit

Light Scouting Suit icon

Loadout Guide

Grenades: Cryo


  • Max single target DPS with recoil reduction. Hip firing faces and rapid-faceshotting feels like it clears faster then armor break + passthrough, and you can be a lot more tenacious about picking off stray grunts when you don't restrict your firing angles to what works with passthrough.
  • Recoil reduction also allows you to rapid fire it while midair, which you will be a lot between grapple and special powder.


  • Temp shock setup with more ammo for spammability.
  • 15 damage pellets for tight groups of swarmers.
  • white phosphorous gives 67 heat with one damage upgrade, which is a really good breakpoint for easy-ignite enemies (mactera, goo bombers, bulks, spitballers).
  • ignite -> hipster weapoint spam can kill a lot of priority targets before they can trouble you (spitballers, goo bombers, etc.) So you don't need to lean on cryo nades much.
  • T4 is flex, for whatever you feel like you need. Passthrough is what I run for mass temp shock (helps get more clear out of a cryo nade after hipstering frozen praets), as well as repeat temp shocking praetorian waves. Armor break rounds out the single target capabilities for guards / brundles / shellbacks, but I usually find just hitting them with cryoo or ignite is a better option.