Grey's Minelayer Hurricane with BRT Sidearm [Archived]

by Mouse on 12/09/2023

Salutes 2

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System icon
+72 Max Ammo
+4 Direct Damage
+0.8m AoE Radius
+7.5 m/sec Max Velocity, x2.25 Turn Rate
+100% Armor Breaking
x2 Magazine Size
+1 Rate of Fire
+50% Weakpoint Bonus
+4 Area Damage
Convert 33% of Direct Damage and Area Damage to Heat
Any enemy damaged by a rocket has a 25% Chance to be Stunned for 3 seconds
For every 0.75 seconds that a missile has flown through the air, it gains +1 Area Damage.
Minelayer System

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

BRT7 Burst Fire Gun icon
+3 Direct Damage
x0.6 Spread per Shot, -30% Base Spread
+1 Penetration
x0.5 Recoil
-0.7 Reload Time
+2 Rate of Fire (translates to less time between bursts)
+12 Magazine Size
+3 Direct Damage
+200% Armor Breaking
+72 Max Ammo
+40% Weakpoint Bonus
Stun an enemy for 4 seconds if all 3 shots in a burst hit
+3 Bullets per Burst, -0.02 sec delay between bullets during burst
Experimental Rounds

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon
Tactical Leadburster
Tactical Leadburster icon

Loadout Guide

Build premise: who’s the Engineer now eh? If you’re an Engineer main and enjoy the “trap and guide into killzones” playstyle, this build is for you. Mine those Glyphid bastards out! Needless to say, this description isn’t just bragging rights - Minelayer definitely forces players to change their Hurricane playstyle but rewards you massively for setting up a minefield.

Hurricane Build
T1: Increased Blast Radius. After the Patch 4 changes, there’s not much of a reason to use Missile Belts here as the OC ammo penalty got lowered to -36.
T2: Bigger Jet Engine to deliver mines faster.
T3: Both mods are a decent pick: Nano Missiles offsets your ammo penalty from the OC and Improved Feed Mechanism improves your minelaying speed.
T4: Zip Fuel as mines can’t do weakspot damage.
T5: I considered leaving this one empty. Napalm-Infused Rounds is a downgrade as you don’t hit any meaningful Heat breakpoints and lose a third of your damage in exchange; Nitroglycerin Compound applies to mines, but it scales only based of time the rocket spent in flight before touching the surface and turning into a mine, which doesn’t feel great for close-range mine dispersal; Uncontrolled Decompression can cause a part of the swarm advancing on you to get stunned, making it so that only a small group of Grunts trips all the mines you laid out before them. Luckily, stunning with mines works wonders to set up against High Value Targets like Praetorians so that’s why I picked it here.

OC: Minelayer. It’s awesome, setting up minefields and letting Glyphids run at them. Truly makes you feel pity about the fictional war crimes you’re committing (NOT). As to why the build is that good… well. Mines do x2.75 of the rocket damage and have x1.5 the radius, making them 2-shot Grunts on Haz 4/5. Only Homebrew Jet Fuel OC with a dedicated build can get close to that level of kill speed, and it’s on single targets, not in an AoE. Best choice for Escort Duty and Salvage, performs quite fine in other game modes (except Sabotage, use the single-target Hurricane build there instead). While you lose missile guidance and I admit it can really feel punishing, the trapping playstyle this offers is quite fun once you get the hang of it.

BRT Build
T1: Floating Barrel increases your sustained DPS and accuracy massively, which enables long-range snipes on a primarily single target weapon.
T2: We’re going for individual kill bursts, and Recoil Dampener ensures the burst shots don’t sway off too much to proc the Burst Stun. Disabled Safety is also OK if you really struggle against high value targets.
T3: Increased Caliber Rounds adds 3 damage for even more DPS.
T4: Expanded Ammo Bags for more sustain, Experimental Rounds OC doesn’t need the weakspot or armour breaking mods to achieve the Mactera Spawn 1-burst kill breakpoint.
T5: Burst Stun for added nearly guaranteed CC.

OC: Experimental Rounds. Compact Mags OC does about the same thing with a few adjustments in the mod tree - pick T4 weakpot damage to achieve the 1-burst kill on Mactera Spawn.