This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Mouse on 26/06/2023

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
“What, a Glyphid swarm? I ain’t got time for this!”
AC’s default stat table doesn’t include 2 very valuable variables:
- Minimal Rate of Fire: 3.4
- Rate of Fire growth per shot: +0.4 Make use of those when planning your builds.
AC Build
T1: Expanded Ammo Bags beats everything else, no contest.
T2: You can go for Improved Gas System or Lighter Barrel Assembly, the latter is no longer the default pick with the AC changes.
T3: Loaded Rounds adds +2 AoE damage, which is what Carpet Bomber does well. Alternatively, you can use Supercharged Feed Mechanism to just lay in the pain much faster. NTP prefers T3A but the bonus single-target damage could be OK as well.
T4: Shrapnel Rounds massively increases your shot’s splash damage AoE.
T5: Feedback Loop, the cornerstone of CB-centric build. When you’re ramped up to full Maximum RoF, you gain +10% DPS on both direct and splash damage. With T3B, this hits a 1-shot BP on Swarmers. Neurotoxin Payload prefers Suppressive Fire because Neurotoxin effect is independant of any AC bonuses and does static damage (12 damage with 0.75-1.25 sec interval).
OC: Carpet Bomber. Massive AoE/splash damage boost that trades most of your direct damage away… as if it mattered, we’re mincing hordes with this bad boy! Neurotoxin Payload is the new kid on the block here, it trades instant waveclear of CB for a Neurotoxin splash that does 120 damage on average over 10 seconds. With a 50% proc rate, you can quite easily kill Swarmers/Grunts/Slashers and weaken anything else with a 30% slow debuff. Quite ammo efficient if you manage to tag an enemy from 15m range or higher. Scales into broken tier in any increased Enemy Spawn Rate game, making NTP Best in Slot in Modded difficulties.
BRT (Shotgun) Build
T1: High Velocity Rounds. More sustained DPS.
T2: Disabled Safety. More Burst/Sustained DPS.
T3: Increased Caliber Rounds for even more DPS.
T4: Hollow-Point Bullets for even more burst or Expanded Ammo Bags for more sustain.
T5: Burst Stun for added CC or Longer Burst for massive DPS increase up close.
The only OC selection possible with this build is Lead Spray. This is a big game hunting supplement to offset the weakness of Carpet Bomber Autocannon. Playstyle: find the target’s weakspot, run to it up close (melee range if possible without dying) and unload. Everything not named “Bulk Detonator” or “Dreadnought” should die if you hit the shots; Stun helps you secure the kill while the target can’t move.
Alternative Weapon Choice: Bulldog
Mod selections are:
B B C A A, last 2 mods are up to preference.
OC: Elephant Rounds. Also a big game hunting supplement that can wreck targets far away and isn’t limited by range like Lead Spray. Use Floating Barrel because it makes the OC a clear upgrade over the default single-target Bulldog, eliminating most of the control issues inherent with Elephant Rounds’ penalties.