_DAVEEBOYS Engi Build MP Build

by daveeboy on 09/08/2022

Salutes 4

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG icon
+3 Direct Damage
+25% Chance to Electrocute an enemy
+120 Max Ammo
+10 Magazine Size
x0.7 Recoil
+3 Rate of Fire
+3 Direct Damage
+120 Max Ammo
+25% Weakpoint Bonus
+25% Direct Damage dealt to enemies either being Electrocuted or affected by Scout's IFG grenade
+250% Armor Breaking
+20 Magazine Size
Every time the SMG applies its Electrocute DoT, there's a 25% chance that all enemies within a 2.75m radius of the primary target will be electrocuted as well.
x0.6 Base Spread, -25% Max Spread, and -13.33% Spread per Shot
Turret EM Discharge

Breach Cutter

Breach Cutter icon
+1.5 Projectile Lifetime
+3 Magazine Size
+6 Max Ammo
+175 Beam DPS
+3m Plasma Beam Width
-0.2 Plasma Expansion Delay
-0.6 Reload Time
+200% Armor Breaking
+100% Stun Chance, 3 sec Stun duration
After firing a line and a 0.4 second delay, the player can press the fire button again to manually detonate the line dealing 40 Explosive element Area Damage in a 3.5m radius and leaving behind a 3.25m radius sphere of Persistent Plasma that does an average of 35.56 Fire Damage per second and slows enemies by 20% for 4.6 seconds. If the player doesn't detonate it manually, the line explodes at the end of its lifetime.
Leaves behind a Persistent Plasma field that does an average of 20 Fire Damage per second for 4.6 seconds. The Plasma field's width is 2/3 of the beam's width, and extends along the entire length of the beam's path.
Adds a line above and below the primary projectile (multiple lines hitting doesn't increase DPS)

Platform Gun

Platform Gun icon

LMG Gun Platform

LMG Gun Platform icon

Engineering Suit

Engineering Suit icon

Loadout Guide


I have used all electric mods for the longest time. I really like it. This is not a build for accuracy over long distances. If you find you struggle with ammo remember to dont waste ammo on low health eletrified enemies as they will die from the eletrical DoT. Also if you take Vampire perk you can pickaxe them in the face and pick up some free health as they will be stunned and have reduced movement when the electricity is in effect. Also this stubby build is not about burst damage. Its a light crowd control and DoT build combined with utilizing killzones with the Turret EM discharge OC.

Turret EM discharge tactics: 2 turrets gives you multiple placement options to create kill zones and choke points using my platform configuration (tier 3 b) and Proxies. For me I have like maybe 3 most common types of turret placement: 1. Frontline and backline placement: Use to defend a linear narrow tunnels. Focus on the frontline turret and fallback to the back line turret if you get over run. You can place Proxies behind you to cover your rear but just make sure to listen out if you hear your proxies detonate. 2. Wide area placement: place turret to your front left and front right, if you lose control pull out the breech to clear the horde. Best used to cover a wide frontle area like say a large falt area. 3. Point defence: Place your turrets in expected appraoch points. Its very typcial I will use this tactic on Salvage ops (uplink and fuelink defence), escort (Omoron heartstone defence), or black box events etc. Note: In most situations make sure you can always see your BOTH of your turrets from your current position. It might seem obvious but for example when you have 4 dwarfs inside a fuel link circle you need not be moving back and forth to use the EM discharge on each turrets and with sometimes with your team mates blocking your stubby shots. Postion your turrets so you can seen both them, stand on a high point, or even stand on the molly(specially if you use VD perk)/uplink/doretta etc.

Breech Cutter

In general I use this build as a short range room sweeper, tank killer, horde clearer, with some light crowd control. Its not about damage, there are better builds for damage out there.

Tier 1 b: Due to the slow velocity of the breech beams I have found most enemies will have moved out of shot by the time my breech shot reach them.

Tier 2: all these choices are good. For me though taking this on 3 x enemies modded diffculty missions this makes sense.

Tier 3 a: Path all the enemies together, let them get very close, fire, and watch them all die or be stunned.

Tier 4 b: CC, also armor breaking lol.

Tier 5 c: Like I said room sweeper. Also tier 5 b is good if thats more to your liking.

Inferno OC: DoT but lacks armor breaking. Also the fire aliement can compliement your team mates build i.e. volatile bullets which my teams use alot, myself included.

Platform Gun: I use tier 1 B because of tier 3 B: Placing lots of platform to path the bugs into killzones with my breech, EM discharge and proxy grenades.

One very useful tactic you should use for this build is when in narror tunnels place platforms on the roof because your triple should then cover anything that squeezes through, and also if your team is using Super BT rounds then this should force the horde together so you can ensure blowthrough is optimized.

For fun remove tier 2 to troll your friends :D ... just kidding.

Engineering suit: Health is the priority of this build. Tier 1 A, plus Tier 2 B is best IMHO. Your health will not regenerate like shields do. Also of course the more health you have the longer you live. But you must react correctly if your shields do break otherwise this build and tactic is not being effectively use i.e. When your shields break you need to get out of harms way to preserve your health. I use this build for all my armor sets.

Note: if shields buffs are more to your liking then make sure not to forget to change that if you are playing a 'Shield Disruption' modifyer mission.

LMG Gun Platform:

Tier 1 a: I explained this above when using the Turret EM discharge OC. Tier 2: Turret usage is quite key overall to this build. You need to build them fast. Tier 3 B and C: Are both good imho but with so much micromanagement engi has to do and with 2 turrets a longer operational time is better. Tier 4: Damage cause why not.


Vampire and Ironwill Synergy: I only take these 2 perks together when playing modded difficulty. I would advise any player playing on vanilla difficulty to always play to the tactic of not dying. Use another perks other than this. Ironwill can only be used once. Just dont die :D

Resupplier: Always take resupplier. 3 Buffs is amazing.

Dash: I only use this on non scout classes. It gets you out of trouble, its has a low cool down, and its alot of fun to use.

Lastly I usually switch between either Elemental Insulation: Remember above I wrote in the armor section about the importance of your health. Well both of these are damage mitagation persk so they are in line with that tactic to preserve your health. EI covers envioromental effects and enemy projectiles. Veteran depositor mainly because of the damage mitagation benefits it gives. VD is also pretty good for soloing (cause of that depositing speed) and also for defending set points in both solo and MP. What makes me pick one over the other: usually magma core, otherwise I use VD as it useful in more situations than EI.