H5 Splatter driller

by Lazelik on 03/06/2022

Salutes 2

Corrosive Sludge Pump

Corrosive Sludge Pump icon
x2 Magazine Size
+40% Projectile Velocity
x1.25 Sludge Puddle width, x1.1 Sludge Puddle height
+24 Charged Shot Area Damage
+4 Charged Shot Fragments
+8 Regular Shot Area Damage
x1.5 Corrosive DoT duration, x1.5 Sludge Puddle duration
+40 Max Ammo
-1 Ammo per Charged Shot
x0.4 Charge Time
Increases Corrosive DoT's Slow from 35% to 51.25%, and increases the Sludge Puddle's Slow from 45% to 72.5%
Increases the Corrosive DoT's average DPS by +8.8, and increases Sludge Puddle's average DPS by +4
Sludge Blast

Colette Wave Cooker

Colette Wave Cooker icon
+2 Damage
+100 Magazine Size
x3 Shot Width
-20% Heat Generation
+2 Rate of Fire
+50% Cooling Rate, -0.5 Overheat Duration
Enemies damaged will have their movespeed slowed by 50% for 1 second
Whenever the CWC damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it inflicts 50% of its damage as Heat or 75% as Cold (respectively) to all enemies within a 2.5m radius (including the Burning/Frozen enemy itself). This causes the primary target to have an extended Burning or Frozen duration, while also causing nearby enemies to start to Ignite or Freeze.
Press Reload to toggle Wide Lens Add-On off/on. When activated, x1.25 Shot Width in exchange for +110% Heat Generation.
Press Reload to toggle Power Supply Overdrive off/on. When activated, +2.5 Rate of Fire in exchange for x0.1 Shot Width and +40% Heat Generation
x1.3 Damage vs enemies afflicted by Neurotoxin, Corrosion, or Sludge Puddles. Additionally, a 10% chance per ammo to spread Neurotoxin from the primary target to nearby enemies.
Enemies killed by the Wave Cooker have a 50% chance to explode, dealing 100 Explosive Area Damage in a 2.5m radius.
Every time the Wave Cooker damages a Burning or Frozen enemy, it has a 25% chance to trigger Exothermic Reactor. Exothermic Reactor sets the enemy's temperature back to zero, applies Temperature Shock to them (dealing 200 Disintegrate-element damage), and causes the enemy to deal 50 Temperature "damage" in a 2m radius -- Heat if they were Burning, or Cold if they were Frozen.
Diffusion Ray

Reinforced Power Drills

Reinforced Power Drills icon

Satchel Charge

Satchel Charge icon

Heavy Drill Suit

Heavy Drill Suit icon

Loadout Guide

Primary: Sludge pump, Sludge blast, 11222 The OC basically making this gun into a single target based shotgun with a little DoT. Aiming to kill any large size bugs such as Praetorian, Warden, Oppressor, Goo bomber etc.

Secondary: CWC, Diffusion ray, 221x2 This build allow us to change our primary into a single target based. As most ppl already know that Driller's primary mostly offers horde delete build and secondary for opposite, CWC really change the play up nicely. Diffusion ray allow the hit-scan rays to penetrate bugs working together with Boiler ray which giving chance for dead bug to do explosion of 100 aoe dmg, Compliment each other nicely for horde clear objective. Tier 4 choice is honestly up to you.. I would suggest to go for T4a for larger area cover but after playing with the build for awhile I decided to not go for any at all since it overheat the gun faster and faster rof doesn't really justify the smally lens for this build plus I like the animation when pressing 'R' when not equip with any Tier4 options.

Nade: HE grenade

Perks: passive - strong arm, sweet tooth, born ready active - dash, see you in hell

PickaxeU: larger area


  • mining
  • egg hunt

PlayStyle: Use your primary for single target while secondary for horde of grunts, HE grenade really helps with horde clearing especially it soften the horde of guards nicely! This build is for those who are getting bored of mundane playstyle of driller and wants to try something new.. before CWC released the only secondary that compliment this idea was EPC with flying nightmare or just straight up TCF which honestly not as satisfying to use.