This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Seven on 13/06/2024

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Armskore Coil Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
This build is what made me fall in love with Gunner as a class. It has a super unique and fun playstyle that's really unlike any other Gunner build I've experienced, and turns into a fun minigame of constantly trying to make best use of your Plasma Missiles before they collide with the ground. Definitely for players who are looking for a new challenge with Gunner and are ready for a new experience.
The Plasma Burster Missiles are really fun to work with, allowing you to stun enemies and fly groups of missiles through them. (I take T5 Stun over Nitroglycerin because the latter is unfortunately extremely weak, even on this OC). Go for weakpoints and use the increased turning radius to consume anything you target; groups of mactera are particularly vulnerable to this weapon.
For situations where the Hurricane is not optimal, I've chosen a Triple-Tech build that's so versatile that it can act as a primary weapon on its own. It deals with both single targets and groups quite easily, and once you get experienced with the recoil, you can take down whole groups of Grunts, deal with three Web Spitters, or eliminate a bothersome Menace in only a single charge.
Suggested Perks:
Born Ready: Really helps with long reload times, and due to the extreme versatility of both weapons, you can rely on one while the other is reloading.
Dash: A must-take for mobility on all non-Scout classes, and this build is no different.
Field Medic: Helps to give that extra time to revive under shield.