This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Seven on 09/03/2023

LOK-1 Smart Rifle
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
This build is for everyone who enjoys the Scout playstyle of high mobility and dealing with high-priority targets and wants to try out Engineer. This build is incredibly fun and allows you a large amount of independence with your playstyle. Being able to platform your own minerals and then rocket jumping up to mine them yourself makes you able to complete objectives all on your own.
At the same time, you can deal with any high-priority targets with ease from almost any range. Acid spitters, mactera, menaces, and wardens are all quite easy to defeat with the single-target-focused LOK-1 build.
Small and large groups of enemies can be dispatched easily with the Deepcore, and due to the abundance of ammo, using it to deal with only a handful of grunts isn't wasteful. The SSGs can help with dealing with groups of enemies as well, and it's throw-and-go usage allows you to stay on the move and away from damage.
The turret is designed to be as low-maintenance as possible. Simply set it up in an open area and allow it to strip enemies of their armor, making them easier for you to take out.
I particularly enjoy running this build on Point Extraction and Refinery missions due to being able to make good use of RJ250 to get around, but this build is versatile enough to run on any mission type, including Deep Dives.
Recommended Perks:
Born Ready: Really helpful with ensuring that you can always rocket jump away in a pinch.
Deep Pockets: Since you'll be playing more of the role of a Scout with this build, Deep Pockets is helpful so that you can hold more when mining minerals.
Dash: This is optional, but helps to give you even more mobility, and can result in some really long jumps when combined with RJ250.