This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Unfunny swarf on 28/05/2022

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Armskore Coil Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
By the way this is LazyMaybe's build. To my friend probably reading this, I probably could have just done this over discord but eh.
"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon This version of the build is more ammo efficient, but I know that isn't how you roll so if you want switch TA3 for TA1 and TC2 for TC3 because more damage kill big monster faster.
- "Expanded Ammo Bags" grants us 220 more rounds on the Thunderhead, more ammo = more damage.
- "Tighter Barrel Alignment" lowers the spread of our gun even more, I took this over the other upgrades because the Thunderhead has some of the worst god damn accuracy in this game.
- "Loaded Rounds" grants us with 2 more area damage which doesn't sound like a lot but it compensates for the area damage fall off and also kills groups faster.
- "Shrapnel Rounds" adds on 0.6m more range on our splash damage from the Thunderhead which allows it to hit more bugs that weren't already in the 1.4m radius
- "Suppressive Fire" gives a 50% chance to put fear onto any bug in 1m of the bullet impact. "Fear" is an effect which causes and enemy to run 10m away from where the effect was applied, they will not attack and gain a 1.5x speed multiplier while the effect is active, once the effect wears off they will return back to their normal state. If you slow down an enemy with this fear effect the ywill still have to run that 10m which is really useful.
Armskore Coil Gun: I am expect you NOT to use the Coil Gun for utility and rather to use it as burst damage, if this is the case take TA1 over TA2 and TB1 over TB2. Lazymaybe used this set up the make a V-shape infront of the hordes of enemyes to group them together by slowing them down and stunning them. Also the Unstable OC "Triple Tech Chamber" works by having the 1st shot do full damage depending on charge level then the 2nd and 3rd shot do half of the 1st shot, Overcharger also gives the 2nd and 3rd the effect however it will also recieve half of that bonus,
- "Larger Battery" gives us more shots which allows use to shoot more shots and slow down more bugs.
- "Controlled Magnetic Flow" lets us fire off our first charge shot at any charge level as long as there is 1 bar and still allows us to fire off our 2nd and 3rd charge shot.
- "Concussive Shockwave" This stuns any enemy within 1.5 of the tungsten ball we shoot from the Coil Gun for 3 seconds. Helps group enemeis closer together and lets them take more damage in the trail.
- "Shockwave" will deal 20 kinetic damage to any enemy 3m of the coil guns shot. I'm not too sure about this though, more information required.
- "Electric Trail" leaves and Electric Trail (wow who would have thought) behind that slows down enemies by 80% and does 12 electric damage per seconds.
How to do (do not boil in bag): When you see a large group of bugs a little close to you charge up the Coil Gun and Fire in a V- Shapes around the bugs. Like the 1st shot to the left, the next shot down the middle and the last shot to the right, do that in any order I guess. Any bugs hit will be stunned and any bug entering the trail will be slowed down by 80% allowing them to group closer together, this is where the Thunderhead come sin, blast those bastards away when they are grouped. Grenades can also have a great effect after firing off the Coil gun, the bugs will be close and throwing a sticky, a cluster or a incediary grenade in the middle of them can injure or kill the bunch. 1 more things about the Thunderhead, I chose Big Bertha because that is what I assume you like using because more damage per shot, I would really suggest using Splintering Shells or Carpet bomber with this as they deal with with groups, or even a Neurotoxin Paylod builds of 31322.
End Alright that is all, if you like this build let it be known that this is very similar to Lazymaybe's build or maybe even exactly like it I'm unsure.