This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Apache_Triad on 20/03/2024

Deepcore GK2
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
This guide seeks to help those green beards who have no idea what they're doing. In this short loadout guide we will assume that you have the following:
- No Overclocks
- No Promotions
No maidens- 1 active and passive perk slot
- Have only the base starter weapons
- Have only the base starter grenade
- Have enough credits to buy basic weapon upgrades
I think it is also important to know that terminology when it comes to weapons upgrades. For instance, the GK2 upgrades can be read out as 22313. This means that the 1st upgrade tier has the 2nd upgrade choice, the 2nd upgrade tier has the 2nd upgrade choice, and so on.
Note: Do not take this guide as a definite answer to your upgrade choices, rather take it as a general guide to help you through the beginning stages of DRG.
With that said, let's get started:
Team role:
As the scout, your main focus is to focus on larger targets while your teammates focus on the smaller bugs. Your mobility will allow you to position yourself right in front of weak points. Don't worry if you can seem to get as many kills as others as it isn't your main purpose. If any teammates get downed try and move the swarm away from them, then use your grapple hook to quickly return to their position and revive them. If you are in a situation where you cannot seem to revive other players, then use your mobility to slowly pick off the swarm before reviving them.
Outside of combat, you should be collecting as many resources as possible. Mainly focus on Nitra (resources for resupply pods) and Mission objectives (Morkikte, Dystrum). Your superior mobility will allow you to get resources anywhere, including the ones located on ceilings.
Deepcore GK2:
With the first Gun the GK2, the main issue is that it is unpowered against Scout's other primary options. However, it still should be good for anything under hazard 3.
- We take the "supercharged feed mechanism" because the base spread decrease doesn't affect gun spread too much.
- "Expanded ammo bags" because the GK2 doesn't have a fantastic ammo economy.
- We take "High capacity Magasize" so we reload less often
- We take "Hollow-Point Bullets" for extra damage if you can land your shots carefully.
- "Stun" for dealing with larger enemies like Praetorians. This last tier is a little flexible, since "battle frenzy" isn't a horrible choice you plan you use this as and pseudo escape weapon.
Jury-Rigged Boomstick: The boomstick is a solid secondary to the scout as it gives the ability to clear waves of bugs if used properly Upgrades: 12313
- "Expanded ammo" bags for more boom boom.
- The second upgrade tier is up to personal preference, "double trigger" gives the ability to dump both rounds almost instantly, while the "quickfire ejector" gives incredibly fast reloads. I like "double trigger", but you should test which ones you like the most
- "High-capacity shells" for more damage and another reason later.
- "Super blowthrough" rounds which allow for entire waves of bugs to be wiped out if they're lined up properly
- This last tier is also flexible, however, since we took "High capacity shells" the "White Phosphorus Shells" benefit the most from this upgrade. Allowing for larger targets to be consistently set on fire.
Grappling Hook:
This neat little thing allows for the scout to reach high places and avoid swarms like no other class can. However, an inexperienced green beard can easily use it to immediately fall to their death.
Most of these upgrades are to fix the measly low max range of the grappling hook from 20m to 30m.
The 3rd tier is up to personal preference and so is the 4th tier. However, it should be noted that the upgrade "Safety first" isn't really needed unless you're constantly falling and dying.
Flare gun:
ALWAYS USE THIS IN LARGE CAVES. The amount of times I've seen other scouts forget to use this piece of valuable equipment is staggering. This thing allows your entire team to see around where the flare has landed. Allowing for even the darkest caves to be lit up like a Christmas tree. Now it should be said it should be reserved for large caves as that is where they are the most useful.
I went for a mix between burn time and ammo allowing for rooms to be consistently lit up. I also used a "supercharged feed mechanism" to allow for quick deployment of my flares.
Light Scouting Suit:
Nothing too special just armor that helps the scout not die.
We take a "large mineral bag" since the main job of the scout is to get minerals and resources. We take "healthly" because extra health is more useful than a shield in most circumstances. The last tier is flexible, if you're playing higher than hazard 3 then generally "breathing room" is the most useful. However, both "static discharge" and "shockwave" provide good crowd control when your shield is broken. Try and experience what you like the most.
The standard melee weapon.
We take better weight balance because a -10sec cooldown is just too good.
The Inhibitor-Field Generator is a decent grenade for controlling crowds as it slows any bug in it by about 75%, while also making any bug inside the field take 130% more damage. Use in situations where there is a literal horde of bugs in one small area.
Since we're only working with 1 active and passive perk slot we don't have too many options, so rather than put one perk above the rest I going to list my preferred perks and you can pick one that fits the occasion.
Thorns - Since the scout can't deal with smaller critters like swarmers, thorns are a good pick for the scout.
Resupplier - This is good for higher difficulties where the increase of health gained from resupplies helps greatly.
Born ready - Great in general as you don't need to worry about switching to your secondary only for it to empty.
Deep pockets - Fits scout's role as a resource gatherer. Allowing the scout to grab resources without having to deposit as often.
Field medic (active) - Allows the scout to instantly revive a player once per mission. Passively it allows the scout to revive quickly. Great for the team.
Iron will (active) - Allows the scout to awaken from their downed state to revive players. (Note: If you gain any health within the iron will period you will still be alive after this period ends).
Heightened Senses (active) - Allows the scout to break free of any bugs (or robots) that grab them. It also kills the thing that grabbed them. This perk is great for any solo missions.
With is information you greenbeards better not let the DRG management down. Stay quick, start sharp, and stay safe.
Rock and Stone!