This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Lazelik on 15/05/2022

"Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Armskore Coil Gun
Zipline Launcher
Shield Generator
Reinforced Impact Suit
Loadout Guide
Primary: Hurricane, Jet Fuel Homebrew, 22212 Basically a Big bertha for Hurricane... it hit extra hard on the weakspot, no need to guide it since it goes so fast break armor and stun. Bluntly just shoot! only caution might be the ammo.
Secondary: Coil gun, Triple-tech Chambers, 22123 stun + electric trail is enough to delete grunt's horde where front aoe is nice extra dmg and good against lil bugs. The fact that it can shoot three consecutive shots means it is easier to manage the horde and also controlled magnetic flow allows you to manage your first shot and decide to go full for harder hit or just simple partial shot for efficiency.
Nade: cluster grenade
Perks: passive - strong arm, sweet tooth, born ready active - dash, field medic
PickaxeU: double dmg
- mining
- egg hunt
- refinery
- elimination
PlayStyle: Use Coilgun for horde, electric trail will dmg and slowdown em down for you and if in case the horde is so big and full of guard or slasher just throw in cluster to worn em down. Jet fuel is so nice it can one shot grunt in the head and melt down big guys like it was nothing.