This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Synful on 06/05/2022

M1000 Classic
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Grappling Hook
Flare Gun
Light Scouting Suit
Loadout Guide
Everything else in this build other than the secondary is personal preference.
Useful synergies:
- Pheromone arrow (or nade) on an enemy, then shoot it with a cryo bolt. This will freeze all grunts, guards, and slashers that are nearby. This combined with blowthrough on the M1K is pretty busted.
- Throw an IFG on the ground and shoot a cryo arrow in the middle. This should freeze most enemies inside of your ifg. (This damage multiplier is rediculous.)
Number of arrows to freeze each special enemy:
(Note: All of these breakpoints assumes the arrow hit the target and not the terrain next to the target. Enemies NOT hit directly will freeze FASTER. Hitting an enemy directly with a normal arrows will start freezing it at an average of 18 Cold/sec for 6 seconds. Enemies within 2m of the arrow will start to freeze at 20 Cold/sec for 6 seconds.) (Special note for Menace: Since the arrows stun on hit, if possible you should shoot the cryo arrow next to the menance rather than hitting it directly or else the menace will run and freeze while its digging back into the terrain.
- Menace - 1
- Warden - 1
- Q'ronar Shellback/Youngling - 1
- Mactera Spawn - 1
- Mactera Tri-Jaw - 1
- Spitball Infector - 1 (Shooting a cryo arrow while it's napping will freeze it before its first shot.)
- Cave Leech - 1
- Praetorians - 2
- Mactera Grabber - 2 (or 3?)
- Mactera Brundle - 2
- Naedocyte Breeder - 2
- Huuli Hoarder - 2
- Mactera Goo Bomber - 3
- Oppresor - 3
- Bulk Detonator - 5