This build may be outdated
This build was created in a previous patch and may not perform similarly in the current patch.
by Shitty_Wizard on 12/08/2020

"Stubby" Voltaic SMG
Deepcore 40MM PGL
Platform Gun
LMG Gun Platform
Engineering Suit
Loadout Guide
You are leaf on the wind. If leaves were armored space dwarves and the wind was caused by a tactical incendiary detonation!
This build is wonky. It cannot and should not be expected to pull the same weight or fill the same shoes as some bog-standard Breach-Cutter "I AM the meta" boi. To be honest, this build really shines in point extraction, and struggles in mining missions. Taking this build to an elimination mission is masochistic and tedious.
You are a dwarf on the move - You've got a quota to fill and a date with the Abyss bar. Forget about burst damage and focus the objective.
The stubby is built to disable & whittle down enemies. The Aoe electricity makes kiting a breeze, and the ammo & bonus dmg vs electrified bugs helps make up for the fact that you specifically designed your grenade launcher to do as little damage as possible.
The PGL is built for rocket jumps. Max ammo = max jumps. The fire upgrade trivializes the self damage. it does a whopping 15 damage to your shield, and something like 7 damage to friendlies on haz5. you MUST NOT take proximity trigger otherwise it will be impossible to rocket-jump on demand.
Be liberal with your platforms - you've got a lot of them and they'll save you from gravity-damage. Practice rocket jumping way high up, then weapon-switching to the plat gun and creating a ledge at the apex of your trajectory. Now we're starting to feel like batman! For super-far falls, ones where even the platforms can't cushion you, shoot a grenade at the ground right before you splat! With the right timing (not too difficult) you'll cancel your fall damage.
Taunt enemies with your luscious dwarven bod, zap them into a stupor, Lure them in close while they're slowed and easy to kite, then leap into the middle of the bunch like Gimli. Before you hit the ground & get chomped, Rocket-jump away. When done properly you'll avoid taking any real damage, maximize the amount of bugs you hit with one pull of the trigger, and sail outta there like some sort of victorious anime protagonist.
I recommend Hawkeye turrets & plasma bursters to help round out your firepower.