Hellfire Coil Gun + Big Bertha | Born Ready ™

by Deamooz on 09/01/2023

Salutes 3

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon icon
+3 Direct Damage
x2 Magazine Size
+220 Max Ammo
x0.7 Base Spread
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+0.6 Min Rate of Fire, x1.5 RoF Scaling Rate
+0.3 Min Rate of Fire, +2 Max Rate of Fire
+2 Area Damage
+4 Direct Damage
+400% Armor Breaking
+0.6m AoE Radius
x1.1 Direct and Area Damage when at Max Rate of Fire
Deal 50% Fear Factor to enemies within a 1m radius of bullet impact. The radius of the Fear gets the same increases as the Area Damage.
When at Max Rate of Fire, you take x0.5 damage from all sources (50% Damage Resistance).
Big Bertha

Armskore Coil Gun

Armskore Coil Gun icon
+40 Damage
+280 Ammo
+2 sec Trail Duration
After fully charging a shot, every additional 0.25 seconds that you hold the shot will add +12.5 Kinetic-element Direct Damage to the shot (up to a maximum of 100 extra damage at 2 seconds past full charge)
Lowers the amount of charge required to fire a Charged Shot from 100% to 25%. The Damage and Ammo consumption of the shot is reduced proportional to the percentage charged (intervals of 25%, 50%, 75%, and the default 100%).
+150% Charge Speed
Adds a 50% chance to Stun enemies within 1.5m of the shot's trajectory for 3 seconds
Applies a 250% Base Fear Chance to enemies within 5m of the shot's trajectory
While charging up or holding a Charged Shot, you take x0.5 damage from all sources (50% Damage Resistance).
Deal 20 Kinetic-element Area Damage to enemies within 3m of the Coil Gun's muzzle when you release a Charged Shot
The primary Damage Component gains a bonus +30% damage as Fire-element + Heat when damaging Burning enemies. Additionally, killing a Burning enemy will cause an explosion that does 80 Fire-element + Heat Radial Damage in a 6m radius.
+1m Trail Radius
Adds an Electric Trail to each of your shots. Any enemy in contact with the Electric Trail takes 8 Electric Damage per Second and has their movespeed slowed by 80%.

Zipline Launcher

Zipline Launcher icon

Shield Generator

Shield Generator icon

Reinforced Impact Suit

Reinforced Impact Suit icon

Loadout Guide


This build is very easy to use once you get used to the ways of being "Born Ready"


  1. No brain and no aiming for weakspots required
  2. Great at clearing swarms and good against beefy enemies


  1. Weak against opressors
  2. Big Bertha is inaccurate

"Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon build: T1: Expanded Ammo Bags for 66% more ammo duh T2: Improved Gas System to compensate for Big Bertha's awful rate of fire T3: High Velocity Rounds for more direct damage since we aren't going to be relying on AoE. You could try Supercharged Feed Mechanism but for me Top Rate of Fire: 6 is the most comfortable T4: Hardened Rounds to easily deal with Praetorians, Glyphid Guards, Shellbacks and other armored foes T5: Supressive Fire to completely casualize the game. Dealing with bugs was never so easy!

Big Bertha OC: turns the autocannon into a single target damaging beast

Armskore Coil Gun build: T1: Larger battery for more ammo. Optimized Magnetic Curcuit feels satisfying but 400 is very little ammo. Unfortunate T2: Controlled Magnetic Flow against swarmers and if you need to trigger Fear quickly (saved me from getting hit by packs of trijaws and praetorians' breath many times) T3: Fear Trajectory because it has a 100% chance and bigger radius than Concussive Shockwave and T5 Electric trail slows the bugs down anyway T4: Defence Enhancement because shockwave is useless. Negating 50% fall damage or damage that you don't think you can avoid by dodging is super helpful T5: Electric Trail gives our damage trail that sweet slowdown effect and more damage

Hellfire OC: Sets enemies ablaze and increases trail radius, allowing us to take Electric Trail in T5 instead of Dilated Injector System

General tips:

  1. Switch to your Coil Gun if your Autocannon isn't fully loaded and you're not using it, and vice versa. Make it a habit
  2. Hellfire blows up turrets in one shot
  3. Hellfire OC shines in tunnels. It's a perfect weapon for bunkers and refinery missions

Here's a video of me doing a Hazard 5 Mining Expedition with Rival Presence - youtube.com/watch?v=lxylpxhozX0. Check the pinned comment for Coil Gun highlights. Have fun, miners. (Outdated video, Coil gun isn't as strong anymore but still very powerful and imo better than neurotoxin revolver. Fear is just op)