Ran about 6 Haz 5 missions yesterday with this setup, just a different OC for the Boltshark. ER is incredibly ammo efficient with the GK2. Most importantly I had fun with the build.
A great tip not listed here is you can animation cancel to trigger the effect without actually reloading.
Shoot -> reload then immediately pickaxe for a split second to cancel the reload, the electrifying effect will still happens
this is probably optimal for effective DPS while kiting, and makes better use of the 30 round mag, but in order to do so consistently I'd recommend taking base spread T1 (since reload speed makes the animation a little too quick)
It's kind of like the scout's neurotox payload, but with requires better accuracy and some extra work to set up. I've found you want your secondary to be able to pick up the slack in terms of the damage you want on demand, while your electric DoTs can handle swarms. Magnetic trifork volley is tempting for the sheer damage, but you kind of lose a lot of utility over conductive bullets on a standard zhukovs build, which is easier to fire in the face of some guard you just electrocuted.