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Love a good guide.Rock and Stone!


Thanks! I do my best to provide such game knowledge without being biased.

AI Stability and Gas Recycling I can understand is more straightforward, but it doesn't have as much crowd control or fun factor as this loadout. Maybe I should try those two together to feel the difference...?


I think better OC for GK2 is Overclocked Firing Mechanism. It provides better dps. As for modes: 22111 would be better imho.


Even with that, I still have to concede with the recoil when trying to hit stuff at range. Gas Recycling has given me the same bonus with the option to control the recoil. However, I have considered replacing the GK2 with the M1000/Minimal Clips or the DRAK-25 with Aggressive Venting. So far the DRAK has had some interesting results for me in terms of crowd control and spontaneous shot spraying.


Have you ever thought of using M1000 Electrocuting Focus Shots with Cryo Minelets? Usually 13111 since you still have range and can benefit out of blowthrough and inflict a lot of status effects, it's a fun combo.


That depends. Do frozen enemies take more electric damage as they do with kinetic?


I don't think so, but it's a nice stack of DoTs, and it can finish off low health targets as well, not to mention it's imo the best Overclock for a focus shot blowthrough build which cyro benefits off of.