Very minor, but you could consider taking T3A since you have T4A. Unless you're using sludge blast you almost never need both ammo mods. Also, speaking of sludge blast, try that out. Trivializes OG dread (mods I use are X2211)
And in t5 for sludge pump you almost always want the slowdown. Rlly just preference but the added support is pretty strong
I'll have to try at least one of those alternatove mods and see for myself. Sludge Blast I'm skeptical of, but I'll try once to be sure. Thanks for the input.
You have single target primary, so why did you choose single target secondary? As for me, better choice is microwave 23111 with Gamma Contamination OC. Very good AoE. Also, additional DoT (neurotoxin and gamma).
I can still use charged shots from the Sludge Pump, and cook HE Grenades, to rid of immediate clusters. It's not entirely single target focused that way, but I appreciate you indicating that.
After using a few of these OC's for a while, this one is fun but i run into the issue of waiting for the DoT to kick in too often. At high haz levels it just takes too long compared to Sludge Blast. The ammo efficiency is nice though but not being able to just deal a bunch of impact damage in a pinch hurts too much. Rock and Stone.