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unexpected usage of the revolver, but i really like that idea!


If you play DRG on XBox like I do, you'll be GLAD Magic Bullets exists because it's not as easy to aim with a controller stick. It does complement the Minigun well since that weapon has one of the most reliable and consistent DPS rates in the game.


T1C on the minigun would probably better as you don't really have a ranged option with the build, it makes weakpoints easier to hit (which is more important here as this is single target leaning), and the extra ROF is redundant. T1B doesn't make the minigun overheat faster if you chose that for a supposed T5A synergy. Everything here is nicely done even if I personally disagree with the sticky nade philosophy. Thorns is more of a personal choice but I do think it's somewhat redundant with MB.


I can understand how important accuracy can be, but in the case of the minigun having one of the highest & consistent DPS rates in the game, I figured I'd go with the fire rate mod.
And Thorns being redundant? I don't think so. Thorns is great no matter what weapon you use to spread damage with. All the better to survive a mission with.


Understandable ROF choice, if it aligns with your playstyle then more power to you. The reason I think thorns is redundant here is because you already have swarmer/trash clear with Magic Bullets ( MB ) and when you reflect on how thorns fundamentally interacts with gameplay you see that it doesn't save worse players from trash swarms (it has a 0.75s cooldown) as the enemy count is too high for it to keep up, or that with better players it's not really needed as they have the skills to survive.


The previous comment was simplified in the hope that I could fit everything I wanted to say in the character limit but that didn't happen clearly I think that it really only serves to help players caught in the middle of green/grey beardom but that's what magic bullets would do for those players on this build. Even with that all that being said the problem I usually have with it is the opportunity cost. I just felt like Born Ready/Sweet Tooth would be more competitive options.


You do have a fair point. Literally shooting the ground in a panic with magic bullets to clear bugs close to you does accomplish the same purpose Thorns does. For that matter, having Field Medic is redundant because the Gunner already has a safe way to revive teammates with his shield generator.
Maybe I should swap out Thorns and Field Medic for other perks...?


I've seen that field medic x gunner take a lot and while it is a fair assessment there are a couple things to keep in mind: namely that the extra time you get while in shield after reviving players 30% faster can add up and be valuable (everybody likes shooting more bugs within the time you get on shields), along with the fact that the ability to instantly revive people and fearing enemies when you do is generally powerful.


If you do want a nice combo that fits within those parameters you could always go with the tried and true Iron Will + Vampire. Otherwise I still maintain that Born Ready or Sweet tooth would be worthy passive perk replacements and maybe vampire to a lesser extent. That's when accounting for all the other perks as well which is really unfortunate because it can turn into a game of which ones are the "least worst" because of the balancing. For an active you really cannot go wrong with Dash.


Alright. I replaced Thorns with Vampire and swapped out Field Medic for Iron Will. This will surely make for a safer and more efficient loadout on Multiplayer, but I'll see how it works to be sure.


All in all It really just comes down to personal preference like I mentioned earlier. Keep using what you like. I just have one final question: how are you managing to see comments/replies to your posts and comments? I've seen you around the site and you seemingly have a notification system akin to the one built into youtube (assuming this as you almost always reply). Is there a place to enable that or do you just manually search somehow? Thanks for your time.


On this website? I just look for new replies. There's nothing that tells me if I got a reply. Maybe that was left that way to get people to become more ACTIVE on this website and think about how to respond more constructively?


I just find it rather annoying personally and it's rather counter-intuitive to the psychology of using social sites like this since there's been notification systems on them to various degrees for decades. I'd figure it must be even worse for you since you've got 21 loadouts to manually check, lol.


True, it's annoying as heck. Personallly, I just keep lurking around checking mine and like 3 other ppls profiles lol.