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Subata 120

Subata 120 icon
x0 Base Spread
+4 Magazine Size
+48 Max Ammo
+3 Direct Damage
-33% Spread per Shot, x0.5 Recoil
Changes the Subata to fire in bursts of 2 bullets at 20 RoF during the burst. If both bullets hit an enemy, the second bullet gets +350% Armor Breaking. Additionally, -0.25 Mass and -4 Rate of Fire.
-0.6 Reload Time
+75% Weakpoint Bonus
+3 Direct Damage
+48 Max Ammo
+50% Direct Damage dealt to Burning enemies. Bonus damage is Fire element and adds the same amount of Heat, extending the Burn duration.
+1 Blowthrough
Shooting an enemy that is afflicted with Corrosion, Sludge Puddle, or Neurotoxin will apply 2 Status Effects. The first one lasts 5 seconds, and each bullet that hits will increase the DPS by +3.2, up to a maximum of 30 stacks (96 DPS). After its duration expires, you must apply a new instance and start stacking it again. The second Status Effect lasts 4.5 seconds, and its duration can be refreshed. If an enemy dies while the second one is active, then they will explode and damage nearby enemies proportional to the number of active stacks of the first effect. The explosion does (60 + 20*stacks) Typeless Damage, and the radius is (0.5 + SqRt[stacks]) meters.
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    • H
    This is simaler in spirit to the plague marine gunner loadout, but for driller! Honestly no matter how you spec the suldge pump it will always bring a tear to the eye of any follower of nurgle, so you can spec it however you want, this is just the setup I liked best. I felt tranq darts fit in well with this as you can use poisens to stop your enemies before enveloping them in the plague father's blessings. Neurotoxin grenades are a must for this set up.

    This is simaler in spirit to the plague marine gunner loadout, but for driller! Honestly no matter how you spec the suldge pump it will always bring a tear to the eye of any follower of nurgle, so you can spec it however you want, this is just the setup I liked best. I felt tranq darts fit in well with this as you can use poisens to stop your enemies before enveloping them in the plague father’s blessings. Neurotoxin grenades are a must for this set up.