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Experimental Plasma Charger

Experimental Plasma Charger icon
+5 Regular Shot Direct Damage
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
x0.4 Heat per Second when fully charged
+25% Regular Shot Velocity
-2 Ammo per Charged Shot
x2.5 Charge Speed
+50% Cooling Rate
+1m Charged Shot AoE Radius
+24 Battery Size
+15 Charged Shot Direct Damage, +15 Charged Shot Area Damage
Charged Shots now deal their Direct Damage to enemies hit by the projectile while in-flight, but it no longer explodes upon impact (functionally removing Area Damage). Deals x3 damage vs Frozen targets. Additionally: x0.3 AoE Radius. Regular Shots do [5 plus 25% of their Direct Damage] Heat per shot which can ignite enemies, and 70% of the Charged Shot's damage is converted to Fire-element + Heat.
Shoot the Charged Shot with a Regular Shot before it impacts anything to make it detonate for 240 Damage and carve terrain within a 3m radius. Additionally: x0.8 Heat per Regular Shot and x0.8 Heat per Charged Shot.
Regular Shots now do 10 Fire-element Area Damage in a 1.5m Radius in exchange for -10 Direct Damage.
Heavy Hitter

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