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    # This is Potentially my Main Scout Build

    #### Massive Disclaimer

    I do not own Shield Battery Booster (SBB) yet. I find the overclock very interesting and it seems fun to mess around with. This build seems very odd but I can explain each upgrade and why I think I would use it. With that out of the way, let's begin...

    ### Drak-25 Plasma Carbine

    T1.B - Mostly obvious pick, it will allow you to fire more than 30 shots without overheating.
    T2.B - I chose this over ammo for more burst DPS. Speed and timing is going to be crucial with this build.
    T3.C - The first weird pick. (Hot Feet mechanics explained below) This is the focus of the build.
    T4.A - By far the best option, and it can proc conductive bullets (Zhukov T5.A)
    T5.B - Highly considering T5.A, but MHD reduces cooldown time by almost 50% (explained below)
    #### Why T3.C?

    Hear me out, this is what makes the build unique and (potentially) fun. As you may know, Hot Feet (HF) gives the user a 50% speed bonus after they overheat. However, SBB makes overheating seem terrible. I beg to differ. The duration of HF is dependent on overheat duration. Since SBB has the longest overheat duration in the game, that also means that HF will last the longest. The exact duration of HF is 2 seconds + overheat duration. Since the overheat duration is a whopping 5 seconds, that gives the user **7 seconds of Hot Feet**. That is insane, especially when combined with the Grappling Hook T4.B, another 50% movement increase (Does not stack, however, just refreshes). Overheating is now a way of escape and running/grappling away from enemies. In games like DRG, movement is soooo crucial for survival and not getting hit. The equipment upgrades are only the mandatory ones. Take whatever you like, but I recommend speed on the Grappling Hook and both shield upgrades on your armor. Additionally, your secondary will provide great cleanup...

    ### Zhukov Nuk-17

    T1.B - This is a damage build (more on that later) so any damage mod will be great.
    T2.C - Reload speed makes this build almost never stop firing.
    T3.B - I always run accuracy, it just feels better.
    T4.B - Once again, another damage upgrade, except this is a 30% damage increase.
    T5.A - Although the build revolves around speed, it was hard to pass up another 30% damage increase (when enemies are electrocuted)

    This is a standard Zhukov that I use, use what you like.

    #### Final Thoughts

    This is an SBB speed build. SBB is used for max HF duration. It seems simple enough, but once again, I have yet to test this. Any alternatives you might find is perfectly acceptable to run, but I believe this would be the most effective in game. Most importantly, just have fun, and enjoy those sweet 7 seconds of bonus movement.

    Rock & Stone!

    This is Potentially my Main Scout Build

    Massive Disclaimer

    I do not own Shield Battery Booster (SBB) yet. I find the overclock very interesting and it seems fun to mess around with. This build seems very odd but I can explain each upgrade and why I think I would use it. With that out of the way, let’s begin…

    Drak-25 Plasma Carbine

    T1.B - Mostly obvious pick, it will allow you to fire more than 30 shots without overheating.
    T2.B - I chose this over ammo for more burst DPS. Speed and timing is going to be crucial with this build.
    T3.C - The first weird pick. (Hot Feet mechanics explained below) This is the focus of the build.
    T4.A - By far the best option, and it can proc conductive bullets (Zhukov T5.A)
    T5.B - Highly considering T5.A, but MHD reduces cooldown time by almost 50% (explained below)

    Why T3.C?

    Hear me out, this is what makes the build unique and (potentially) fun. As you may know, Hot Feet (HF) gives the user a 50% speed bonus after they overheat. However, SBB makes overheating seem terrible. I beg to differ. The duration of HF is dependent on overheat duration. Since SBB has the longest overheat duration in the game, that also means that HF will last the longest. The exact duration of HF is 2 seconds + overheat duration. Since the overheat duration is a whopping 5 seconds, that gives the user 7 seconds of Hot Feet. That is insane, especially when combined with the Grappling Hook T4.B, another 50% movement increase (Does not stack, however, just refreshes). Overheating is now a way of escape and running/grappling away from enemies. In games like DRG, movement is soooo crucial for survival and not getting hit. The equipment upgrades are only the mandatory ones. Take whatever you like, but I recommend speed on the Grappling Hook and both shield upgrades on your armor. Additionally, your secondary will provide great cleanup…

    Zhukov Nuk-17

    T1.B - This is a damage build (more on that later) so any damage mod will be great.
    T2.C - Reload speed makes this build almost never stop firing.
    T3.B - I always run accuracy, it just feels better.
    T4.B - Once again, another damage upgrade, except this is a 30% damage increase.
    T5.A - Although the build revolves around speed, it was hard to pass up another 30% damage increase (when enemies are electrocuted)

    This is a standard Zhukov that I use, use what you like.

    Final Thoughts

    This is an SBB speed build. SBB is used for max HF duration. It seems simple enough, but once again, I have yet to test this. Any alternatives you might find is perfectly acceptable to run, but I believe this would be the most effective in game. Most importantly, just have fun, and enjoy those sweet 7 seconds of bonus movement.

    Rock & Stone!