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    **Stubby:** **Tier 1**, apply the fuzzy feeling to them with less bullets. **Tier 2**, any really but I don't bullet dump I just burst fire as needed. **Tier 3**, dmg means less ammo needed to kill so why take more ammo. **Tier 4**, more dmg to those with that fuzzy feeling. **Tier 5**, share that fuzzy feeling with others. **Oversock**, if their feeling fuzzy they will feel it even more now.

    **40mm's of warmth:** **Tier 1**, more warmth in a bigger area. **Tier 2**, I'm not killing most stuff by dmg im making them feel my love. **Tier 3**, the real meaning of love. **Tier 4**, more warmth. **Tier 5**, Makes sure it finds those you want to love. **Oversock**, I need to be closer to those I love.

    **Popcorn:** sends even more friends to love the bugs.

    **Perks:** iron will, dash, vamp, resupply, born ready.

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    Stubby: Tier 1, apply the fuzzy feeling to them with less bullets. Tier 2, any really but I don’t bullet dump I just burst fire as needed. Tier 3, dmg means less ammo needed to kill so why take more ammo. Tier 4, more dmg to those with that fuzzy feeling. Tier 5, share that fuzzy feeling with others. Oversock, if their feeling fuzzy they will feel it even more now.

    40mm’s of warmth: Tier 1, more warmth in a bigger area. Tier 2, I’m not killing most stuff by dmg im making them feel my love. Tier 3, the real meaning of love. Tier 4, more warmth. Tier 5, Makes sure it finds those you want to love. Oversock, I need to be closer to those I love.

    Popcorn: sends even more friends to love the bugs.

    Perks: iron will, dash, vamp, resupply, born ready.

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