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    Use all the Gunners throwables at once!

    The hurricanes cluster charge converts each missle into a tiny cluster grenade.They do less damage than the nade, but you have 128 of them!

    The napalm infused mod effectivly replaces the incendiary nade. though the missles fire dont linger, a single volley detonated over a horde of bugs can light them aflame almost more efficiantly then the incedairy.

    The BRT is was pretty much just a hand held lead burster to begin with and this mod+overclock set up just makes it even closer.

    Finally, equip sticky nade as your sticky nade.
    Have fun!

    Use all the Gunners throwables at once!

    The hurricanes cluster charge converts each missle into a tiny cluster grenade.They do less damage than the nade, but you have 128 of them!

    The napalm infused mod effectivly replaces the incendiary nade. though the missles fire dont linger, a single volley detonated over a horde of bugs can light them aflame almost more efficiantly then the incedairy.

    The BRT is was pretty much just a hand held lead burster to begin with and this mod+overclock set up just makes it even closer.

    Finally, equip sticky nade as your sticky nade.
    Have fun!