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    ### **Why no tougher enemies?**
    I play with randoms, and randoms seldom bring in optimal builds for modded difficulties, or know that the breakpoints changed at all. Also, bullet sponge makes me sad.

    ### **Primary**
    This is where you have a lot of flex, just take a "special killer" setup to balance out crossbow. Fast GK2 (11222, 12212), Bouncy Drak (both electric and splash), and Min clips hipfire (X32X3) all performed well and have trade-offs with each other. Recoil Hipster is the best generalist setup for run-n-gun precision and aerial shooting (IMO).

    ### **Secondary: Fire Bolts Crossbow, with Taser Bolts**
    The more enemies modifier takes fire bolts to the next level. Previously, on normal Hazard 5, the enemy spawn cap was too low for the heat radious to have much effect: you'd ignite 3-5 grunt-sized enemies with a few bolts, but the hordes weren't dense enough to chain ignite.

    ##### Chain ignite mechanics:
    Enemies stuck with the bolts continue to radiate heat, as do normally ignited enemies. Thus, ignited enemies in a group will radiate their heat to new, unignited enemies in the group and set them on fire.

    ##### Bread n Butter Fire Crossbow Combos:
    - 2 bolts in terrain in front of the horde, let em walk over and die.
    - 1 bolt in front of crowd, wait for them to cross it, face-shot a grunt so it ragdolls into the crowd (ragdolled corpses continue to radiate heat like a flaming projectile)
    - Shoot down 2 bolts into a crowd, hit with cryo. Short Grapple (straight up, release early), and air-strafe out of the radius while shooting downward. The order of operations doesn't matter much here, since fire bolts tick so slowly that it doesn't interrupt the burst freeze.
    - Throw bolts down in front of a cryo driller. You won't interrupt their freeze much at all, but will cause a lot of auto-temp shock.
    - Ignite Gas clouds from Praetorians/Oppressors/Bungus Fogs.
    - Faceshotting a grunt gives movespeed on kill. This can give you almost 100% uptime on the movespeed bonus, which can save your bacon.
    - DO NOT DIRECT HIT SWARMERS. These are the only bodies that will cancel out your heat radius (not sure if intentional or bug)
    - 2 taser bolts + 1 fire bolt will kill a spitballer. Surprisingly useful when playing cover-shooter and/or want to conserve primary. Similarly, fire bolt + hipster to the weakpoint can one-clip a spitballer before it can shoot, which can save you a cryo.

    #### Taser Bolts
    -immobilize bulks, Praets, oppressors and whittle them down. The fragility modifier makes praetorian barf obscenely deadly, so it's important to be proactive with them. Don't forget that taser bolts have a weakpoint stun.

    ### Cryo Grenades
    Mactera, Jellies, Spitballers, Praets, etc. all got way deadlier. In addition, timer hordes of bugs run much, much faster with 2 aggression and can roll up on you shockingly fast. Cryo is both a panic button and a proactive tool, and it performs better on denser hordes.

    ### Closing Remarks
    Lots of combos, lots of fun. Don't get nibbled on your buns too much

    Why no tougher enemies?

    I play with randoms, and randoms seldom bring in optimal builds for modded difficulties, or know that the breakpoints changed at all. Also, bullet sponge makes me sad.


    This is where you have a lot of flex, just take a “special killer” setup to balance out crossbow. Fast GK2 (11222, 12212), Bouncy Drak (both electric and splash), and Min clips hipfire (X32X3) all performed well and have trade-offs with each other. Recoil Hipster is the best generalist setup for run-n-gun precision and aerial shooting (IMO).

    Secondary: Fire Bolts Crossbow, with Taser Bolts

    The more enemies modifier takes fire bolts to the next level. Previously, on normal Hazard 5, the enemy spawn cap was too low for the heat radious to have much effect: you’d ignite 3-5 grunt-sized enemies with a few bolts, but the hordes weren’t dense enough to chain ignite.

    Chain ignite mechanics:

    Enemies stuck with the bolts continue to radiate heat, as do normally ignited enemies. Thus, ignited enemies in a group will radiate their heat to new, unignited enemies in the group and set them on fire.

    Bread n Butter Fire Crossbow Combos:
    • 2 bolts in terrain in front of the horde, let em walk over and die.
    • 1 bolt in front of crowd, wait for them to cross it, face-shot a grunt so it ragdolls into the crowd (ragdolled corpses continue to radiate heat like a flaming projectile)
    • Shoot down 2 bolts into a crowd, hit with cryo. Short Grapple (straight up, release early), and air-strafe out of the radius while shooting downward. The order of operations doesn’t matter much here, since fire bolts tick so slowly that it doesn’t interrupt the burst freeze.
    • Throw bolts down in front of a cryo driller. You won’t interrupt their freeze much at all, but will cause a lot of auto-temp shock.
    • Ignite Gas clouds from Praetorians/Oppressors/Bungus Fogs.
    • Faceshotting a grunt gives movespeed on kill. This can give you almost 100% uptime on the movespeed bonus, which can save your bacon.
    • DO NOT DIRECT HIT SWARMERS. These are the only bodies that will cancel out your heat radius (not sure if intentional or bug)
    • 2 taser bolts + 1 fire bolt will kill a spitballer. Surprisingly useful when playing cover-shooter and/or want to conserve primary. Similarly, fire bolt + hipster to the weakpoint can one-clip a spitballer before it can shoot, which can save you a cryo.

    Taser Bolts

    -immobilize bulks, Praets, oppressors and whittle them down. The fragility modifier makes praetorian barf obscenely deadly, so it’s important to be proactive with them. Don’t forget that taser bolts have a weakpoint stun.

    Cryo Grenades

    Mactera, Jellies, Spitballers, Praets, etc. all got way deadlier. In addition, timer hordes of bugs run much, much faster with 2 aggression and can roll up on you shockingly fast. Cryo is both a panic button and a proactive tool, and it performs better on denser hordes.

    Closing Remarks

    Lots of combos, lots of fun. Don’t get nibbled on your buns too much