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**Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------** This loadout excells at being the best version of the base driller - Flamethrower and Subata. It does what the base guns do but quicker and more efficiently - this is my comfort loadout because it is the most responsive and fast-paced build I've used. It is also a great generalist loadout - Crowd control, point damage, and it's ammo efficient. You could even fight dreadnoughts with it if it comes down to it, and I have. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flamethrower ------------------------------------------------------------------------** **OC - Face Melter** The face melter overclock is the purpose of this build. It spits fire faster and each particle does more damage. This combination makes it so that you set things on fire much faster and by the time something catches, it's taken a considerable amount of damage. More on this later. **T1 - High pressure ejector** I use this because I always liked the range on the flamethrower. This helps to get it back, but you can also take the tank size if you really want it, I'll explain this later. **T2 - Triple filtered fuel** Sets things on fire quicker. Contributes to the build's speed. **T3 - More fuel** Taking this upgrade makes the build ammo efficient. With this, I run out of flamethrower at the same rate as my other weapons. **T4 - It burns!** It won't tend to matter much on the smaller bugs, but what the fear helps immensely with is doing damage to praetorians and stopping their spit. When it triggers they will stop what they're doing and turn around, exposing their butt to you and your team. You can now use the subata to shoot it, or use an axe to stun them and hold them in place with their weak spot exposed. One of the best things about this build. **T5 - Targets explode** Another matter of preference. the explode chance helps a lot to take out large clumps of bugs, while radiance protects you from that one grunt that shows up behind you, albeit not as much as it does on the cryo cannon, as burning targets will still bite you. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------** The flamethrower now fires really fast, doing more damage and catching things on fire real quick. The tank size may look scary, but you'll find you can get a lot done with it using just a small amount of restraint. Since the face melter and T2 perk make every bit of fuel more powerful, you pretty much get the same effect as stock per tank, but faster. That being said, you will be reloading a good amount, so try to be a bit proactive with it, time your reloads wisely, or use born ready to keep up the fight with your pistol. More on that later. ~ For dreadnoughts, your other weapons are more useful. However, this flamethrower does increased damage, making it a bit less useless than stock. You can whittle dreadnoughts down with the fire to even out your ammo cost a little more if you find you're using too much subata ammo. Since the default dreadnought's armor phase doesn't let you embed the subata's detonators, I often use satchels and flamethrower to help break its armor, just be mindful of what (or who) is on the other side of it. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subata ------------------------------------------------------------------------** **OC - Explosive reload** Like Face Melter, this OC makes the Subata do the same job, but faster. You can one-shot web spitters and two-shot grunts provided you hit their face at least once. It should be said that you need to hit fleshy bits for the detonators to embed. If you hit praetorian/oppressor armor they won't go in. Same goes for the default dreadnought'syellow health bar, so use something else to break it's armor so you can shoot it after the shell breaks. Strangely, the sentinels don't adhere to this, you can just shoot their armor and it will still work. A red crosshair icon will appear as a status when you've shot something enough that the detonators will kill it. When you see the icon, reload. ~ This can also be used to remotely break dreadnought eggs. Shoot it twice, run back to the area you want to take the fight to, and reload. **T1 - Improved Alignment** More beneficial than the magazine size for this build, and the extra accuracy is nice **T2 - Expanded ammo bags** This takes your ammo up to 96. Not as clean of a number as the previous 100 but still just enough ammo. You can go ham with this thing for a while before it runs out. **T3 - Quckfire Ejector** Reloading is something you'll be doing a lot to finish most of your kills, making it quicker is really nice. **T4 - Hollow points** Most often, when you're embedding these detonators, you're shooting the weak points anyway. Big increase in weak point damage. **T5 - Volatile bullets** More damage to burning targets, and it adds fire damage, keeping things on fire for longer. You can actually shoot an oppressor's face and keep it burning just through the shell with this. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------** The subata is a great weapon to always have in your pocket. Pull it out to kill a couple things if you run out of flamethrower, finish off beefy targets, and take out things at a distance. If you can't spare the time to reload, you can take born ready as a passive. This allows you to pull out your subata to keep the fight going until your flamethrower reloads. You can also take this opportunity to throw a c4 if it's too much for the subata. I also use the bullet holes to mark spots on the ground when I'm redoing a pipe that didn't turn correctly. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Satchel Charge ------------------------------------------------------------------------** Make sure to use satchel charges, they can save you from using ammo on large groups. With these upgrades you'll get 4 of them, 2 per resupply (up from 1 because the game rounds down on satchels when you have 3). Be sure to also use them when clearing out large bits of terrain, the rock mover upgrade makes your job a lot quicker. Setting up for uplinks in salvage, clearing crystals out of an area so you can walk, making bunkers, etc. Try using all 4 to make one colossal pit outside the drop pod at the end of a mission to keep your teammates on their toes! **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe ------------------------------------------------------------------------** Stuns things, does good bit of damage at a moderate range. Think of it as a power-attack you can throw. You can open ebonuts and clear out poison mushrooms in bulk because they count as plants, not enemies. It should be noted that these have a small AOE shockwave around them when they hit something, this can stun or even kill bugs around your primary target, especially when fighting in drill holes. **------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------** I know this was a long read, but I had a lot to talk about. Feedback is appreciated, of course. Thanks for reading!
This loadout excells at being the best version of the base driller - Flamethrower and Subata. It does what the base guns do but quicker and more efficiently - this is my comfort loadout because it is the most responsive and fast-paced build I’ve used. It is also a great generalist loadout - Crowd control, point damage, and it’s ammo efficient. You could even fight dreadnoughts with it if it comes down to it, and I have.
OC - Face Melter
The face melter overclock is the purpose of this build. It spits fire faster and each particle does more damage. This combination makes it so that you set things on fire much faster and by the time something catches, it’s taken a considerable amount of damage. More on this later.
T1 - High pressure ejector
I use this because I always liked the range on the flamethrower. This helps to get it back, but you can also take the tank size if you really want it, I’ll explain this later.
T2 - Triple filtered fuel
Sets things on fire quicker. Contributes to the build’s speed.
T3 - More fuel
Taking this upgrade makes the build ammo efficient. With this, I run out of flamethrower at the same rate as my other weapons.
T4 - It burns!
It won’t tend to matter much on the smaller bugs, but what the fear helps immensely with is doing damage to praetorians and stopping their spit. When it triggers they will stop what they’re doing and turn around, exposing their butt to you and your team. You can now use the subata to shoot it, or use an axe to stun them and hold them in place with their weak spot exposed. One of the best things about this build.
T5 - Targets explode
Another matter of preference. the explode chance helps a lot to take out large clumps of bugs, while radiance protects you from that one grunt that shows up behind you, albeit not as much as it does on the cryo cannon, as burning targets will still bite you.
The flamethrower now fires really fast, doing more damage and catching things on fire real quick. The tank size may look scary, but you’ll find you can get a lot done with it using just a small amount of restraint. Since the face melter and T2 perk make every bit of fuel more powerful, you pretty much get the same effect as stock per tank, but faster. That being said, you will be reloading a good amount, so try to be a bit proactive with it, time your reloads wisely, or use born ready to keep up the fight with your pistol. More on that later.
For dreadnoughts, your other weapons are more useful. However, this flamethrower does increased damage, making it a bit less useless than stock. You can whittle dreadnoughts down with the fire to even out your ammo cost a little more if you find you’re using too much subata ammo. Since the default dreadnought’s armor phase doesn’t let you embed the subata’s detonators, I often use satchels and flamethrower to help break its armor, just be mindful of what (or who) is on the other side of it.
OC - Explosive reload
Like Face Melter, this OC makes the Subata do the same job, but faster.
You can one-shot web spitters and two-shot grunts provided you hit their face at least once. It should be said that you need to hit fleshy bits for the detonators to embed. If you hit praetorian/oppressor armor they won’t go in. Same goes for the default dreadnought’syellow health bar, so use something else to break it’s armor so you can shoot it after the shell breaks. Strangely, the sentinels don’t adhere to this, you can just shoot their armor and it will still work. A red crosshair icon will appear as a status when you’ve shot something enough that the detonators will kill it. When you see the icon, reload.
This can also be used to remotely break dreadnought eggs. Shoot it twice, run back to the area you want to take the fight to, and reload.
T1 - Improved Alignment
More beneficial than the magazine size for this build, and the extra accuracy is nice
T2 - Expanded ammo bags
This takes your ammo up to 96. Not as clean of a number as the previous 100 but still just enough ammo. You can go ham with this thing for a while before it runs out.
T3 - Quckfire Ejector
Reloading is something you’ll be doing a lot to finish most of your kills, making it quicker is really nice.
T4 - Hollow points
Most often, when you’re embedding these detonators, you’re shooting the weak points anyway. Big increase in weak point damage.
T5 - Volatile bullets
More damage to burning targets, and it adds fire damage, keeping things on fire for longer. You can actually shoot an oppressor’s face and keep it burning just through the shell with this.
The subata is a great weapon to always have in your pocket. Pull it out to kill a couple things if you run out of flamethrower, finish off beefy targets, and take out things at a distance. If you can’t spare the time to reload, you can take born ready as a passive. This allows you to pull out your subata to keep the fight going until your flamethrower reloads. You can also take this opportunity to throw a c4 if it’s too much for the subata. I also use the bullet holes to mark spots on the ground when I’m redoing a pipe that didn’t turn correctly.
Satchel Charge
Make sure to use satchel charges, they can save you from using ammo on large groups. With these upgrades you’ll get 4 of them, 2 per resupply (up from 1 because the game rounds down on satchels when you have 3). Be sure to also use them when clearing out large bits of terrain, the rock mover upgrade makes your job a lot quicker. Setting up for uplinks in salvage, clearing crystals out of an area so you can walk, making bunkers, etc.
Try using all 4 to make one colossal pit outside the drop pod at the end of a mission to keep your teammates on their toes!
Stuns things, does good bit of damage at a moderate range. Think of it as a power-attack you can throw. You can open ebonuts and clear out poison mushrooms in bulk because they count as plants, not enemies. It should be noted that these have a small AOE shockwave around them when they hit something, this can stun or even kill bugs around your primary target, especially when fighting in drill holes.
I know this was a long read, but I had a lot to talk about. Feedback is appreciated, of course.
Thanks for reading!