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    # The future is now, old man.
    I have a confession to make. I am addicted. I have been addicted even before my first promotion. It all started with that damn Escort mission, the first time I reached top rate of fire and was mowing down grunts like it was nothing. I am addicted to the autocannon.

    But not anymore! As part of my rehabilitation programme, I made this build to expand my horizon and try out something new. Not made to directly clone the autocannon, but with enough crossover with the autocannon's utility to not make you miss it too much.

    ## "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System

    This Hurricane build brings both the AOE and the Firing Speed that you might miss when you try and break your autocannon addiction, but with the addition of being a million times more accurate.

    - T1: Bigger AOE radius. If you want to mow down enemies, the bigger range is super useful. Not only will you hit more stuff, but enemies closer to the epicentre of your rockets will take more damage.
    - T2: Armour Breaking. The ability to strip off armour with your primary and soften them up so that you can shred through them with your secondary is essential to making this build as versatile as possible.
    - T3: Firing speed. It just boosts the damage of this weapon so much.
    - T4: More AOE damage. Honestly, this one is pretty subjective and up to you. 50% weakpoint damage is super tempting, but in practice, I didn't find it to be that useful mainly because our secondary shreds through enemies like Praetorians and Oppressors. So I opted for more area damage, but really pick what you feel like.
    - T5 : Stun. Coupled with our increased area in T1, you can stun hordes with ease and really slow the advance. I was really tempted to pick Nitroglycerin Compounds since it's really easy to get a little bit more area damage (and I might still pick it if I have a Driller with the Cryo Cannon on my team) but the stun is just too good not to pass up.

    OC: Overtuned Feed Mechanism. +1 Fire rate may not seem like much, but coupled with the fire rate increase in T3 you really kick this weapon into overdrive. And the Hurricane comes with enough ammo to be able to afford this fire rate. Fragmentation missiles is also a great pick, but again the firing speed is just so good. And the increased velocity makes the weapon just feel so much more snappy.

    ## BRT7 Burst Fire Gun
    If you've ever seen a build with the BRT7, it was probably the exact same as this one. This build is just so incredibly versatile and absolutely shreds tanky targets. Coupled with the Armour Break from the Hurricane, this build fills in any gaps left by the Hurricane.

    - T1: Better accuracy. Without this, the gun becomes really difficult to use outside of close range. Besides the other T1 offerings are kinda meh.
    - T2: Faster firing speed. Less time spent between bursts really helps out with the DPS of this gun.
    - T3: Increased damage. I mainly take the damage here because the increased clip size is really not that useful. I usually have enough bullets to kill something in one clip, and the reload speed (even with our OC) is fast enough to offset the clip size.
    - T4: Weakpoint bonus damage. This right here is why this build is so good. It absolutely *shreds* Praetorians and Oppressors. And with the reduced spread in T1, it basically acts as a guaranteed damage boost.
    - T5: Stun. As if the stun from the Hurricane wasn't enough, now we have the ability to (basically) guarantee a stun on priority targets.

    OC: Compact Mags. The main problem with most BRT7 builds is ammo. And the only way to get more ammo from the mod tree is to sacrifice the +40% Weakpoint Damage bonus. So getting more ammo from our OC, and having to give up very little to achieve that, makes it a super reliable sidearm.

    The future is now, old man.

    I have a confession to make. I am addicted. I have been addicted even before my first promotion. It all started with that damn Escort mission, the first time I reached top rate of fire and was mowing down grunts like it was nothing. I am addicted to the autocannon.

    But not anymore! As part of my rehabilitation programme, I made this build to expand my horizon and try out something new. Not made to directly clone the autocannon, but with enough crossover with the autocannon’s utility to not make you miss it too much.

    “Hurricane” Guided Rocket System

    This Hurricane build brings both the AOE and the Firing Speed that you might miss when you try and break your autocannon addiction, but with the addition of being a million times more accurate.

    • T1: Bigger AOE radius. If you want to mow down enemies, the bigger range is super useful. Not only will you hit more stuff, but enemies closer to the epicentre of your rockets will take more damage.
    • T2: Armour Breaking. The ability to strip off armour with your primary and soften them up so that you can shred through them with your secondary is essential to making this build as versatile as possible.
    • T3: Firing speed. It just boosts the damage of this weapon so much.
    • T4: More AOE damage. Honestly, this one is pretty subjective and up to you. 50% weakpoint damage is super tempting, but in practice, I didn’t find it to be that useful mainly because our secondary shreds through enemies like Praetorians and Oppressors. So I opted for more area damage, but really pick what you feel like.
    • T5 : Stun. Coupled with our increased area in T1, you can stun hordes with ease and really slow the advance. I was really tempted to pick Nitroglycerin Compounds since it’s really easy to get a little bit more area damage (and I might still pick it if I have a Driller with the Cryo Cannon on my team) but the stun is just too good not to pass up.

    OC: Overtuned Feed Mechanism. +1 Fire rate may not seem like much, but coupled with the fire rate increase in T3 you really kick this weapon into overdrive. And the Hurricane comes with enough ammo to be able to afford this fire rate. Fragmentation missiles is also a great pick, but again the firing speed is just so good. And the increased velocity makes the weapon just feel so much more snappy.

    BRT7 Burst Fire Gun

    If you’ve ever seen a build with the BRT7, it was probably the exact same as this one. This build is just so incredibly versatile and absolutely shreds tanky targets. Coupled with the Armour Break from the Hurricane, this build fills in any gaps left by the Hurricane.

    • T1: Better accuracy. Without this, the gun becomes really difficult to use outside of close range. Besides the other T1 offerings are kinda meh.
    • T2: Faster firing speed. Less time spent between bursts really helps out with the DPS of this gun.
    • T3: Increased damage. I mainly take the damage here because the increased clip size is really not that useful. I usually have enough bullets to kill something in one clip, and the reload speed (even with our OC) is fast enough to offset the clip size.
    • T4: Weakpoint bonus damage. This right here is why this build is so good. It absolutely shreds Praetorians and Oppressors. And with the reduced spread in T1, it basically acts as a guaranteed damage boost.
    • T5: Stun. As if the stun from the Hurricane wasn’t enough, now we have the ability to (basically) guarantee a stun on priority targets.

    OC: Compact Mags. The main problem with most BRT7 builds is ammo. And the only way to get more ammo from the mod tree is to sacrifice the +40% Weakpoint Damage bonus. So getting more ammo from our OC, and having to give up very little to achieve that, makes it a super reliable sidearm.