New Description Editor + Status Update

3 years ago

Hello Miners! Andrew here with another product update.

Loadout Description Editor Updates

We are excited to announce we have finally updated our Description Editor for the loadout builder. We are using a new library, which has some slight changes to the functionality itself. Overall, we expect the same behavior as the previous editor in terms of being able to create & edit loadout descriptions. That being said, please continue to reach out on our Discord or our GitHub. to let us know if you find any further bugs.

Notice: For some of your loadouts, you may notice some slight formatting errors in the descriptions with this cutover. We recommend re-editing and updating any loadouts which may be impacted - please let us know if you can't make the formatting work, and we will address any issues. We don't expect a major impact (maybe < 5% of loadout descriptions), but it's likely to be an issue in some cases.

Status Update - 2022

New year, same team! We are back in action and ready to start making some improvements to the website. We had a great year in 2021, including reaching the milestone of over 1 million page views! Amazing stuff, and it's only possible through the great community we have here on the site.

We all had a bit of a busy Q4 last year, so development slowed down on the site. That being said, we are all finally settled into 2022 and are ready to get back to the site!

In terms of a feature roadmap, here's a sneak preview of some upcoming features / improvements:

  • Loadout Markdown Editor update [Completed]
  • Various mobile fixes for:
    • Re-add description / cost info to builder on click, see this issue.
    • Styling issues on builder / preview
    • Add OC name on mobile
  • Add Favorites [New Feature]
    • Favorite loadouts to add them to your own personal list. Access this list with ease and ensure you always have your loadouts ready for that upcoming mission!
    • Bundled with this feature we will be removing the "Copy Loadout" feature. This has drifted away from its original intended use, and has turned into a tool to confuse users about the proper authors of a loadout
      • We feel "Favorite" serves a very similar purpose, without unnessary duplication and divergent builds under the same name.
  • Various content updates on the site, courtesy of MeatShield. This includes Mod / OC descriptions where feasible

And that's just the start! We look forward to more sharing details about our future improvements and features for the site after this round.

As always, please feel free to interact with us on our Discord and/or our GitHub. Our GitHub is usually the fastest way to report issues / request features, but we also monitor the Discord at regular intervals.

Thanks again, and we hope everyone is having a good start to the year.

Rock and Stone!