Feedback Received, Upgrades Inbound!

2 years ago

Hello all, Andrew here with another product update for!

We have been listening closely to your feedback on our last update, including the huge response around removing the old statistics. We heard you, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by this data being temporarily removed. We did a large-scale refactor of our codebase, and some features had to be incrementally re-added as we improved the architecture. Thank you for bearing with us, and please continue to send us your feedback on Discord or Github!

Release Notes:

  • Old statistics have been re-implemented
    • Statistics are enabled for Primary & Secondary weapons, as well as equipment
    • Investigating future data consistency improvements
    • Added link to ASV in the bottom-right of the component, allows for user to see ASV based on currently selected weapon combo
  • Left aligned mod matrices on preview components - thanks for the community feedback there
  • Some mobile improvements for preview components
  • Preview page display bugs related to mod sorting


Work In Progress Items:

  • Guide Field formatting bug - we are working on the WISYWIG editor erronously not applying formatting
  • Descriptions more prominent in the builder
    • The old builder allowed users to see description information "embedded" into the experience, and did not require hovering to see a tooltip
    • Desire to re-add this for Mods & OCs
  • ASV Links re-add to preview page for primary & secondary


We are hard at work addressing your feedback, and we thank you for the quick and detailed responses. We hope you find these updates useful!



The Team