Thank you! I'll pull up the stats for each in a second, but I find stuffed shells is easier to use since it's got more ammo and can do about the same amount of damage.
Huh, I just looked at the numbers again -- I must have read something wrong somewhere along the line. Jumbo shells is straight up better if you take both ammo upgrades. Will make an edit
I've stuck to using Aggressive Venting for this gun and I'm kinda having trouble switching over from that OC to this one. Do you have any tips for avoiding overheating?
Maybe my testing with sandbox+damage numbers is wrong, but it seems like you get the full damage buff from TEF after 50% heat and there's no point to purposely trying to stay any higher.
Tested it but unfortunately the damage text mod seems to have broken. it seems like it does slightly more damage, or at least does more heat as you go further up the thing, but that could also be a byproduct of higher ROF as heat goes up.
This is an amazing guide and build, thank you. Only thing I'm never changing is Special Powder for my Boomstick, but that's just me. The number of new Engineer players that don't know to platform minerals is too damn high. Special Powder lets me power attack a hole in the wall, break my fall with a shotgun blast, then grapple up and inside the new hole to get minerals myself.
FYI on the current patch (maybe earlier idk) Thermal Exhaust Feedback gives a flat +6 damage/heat above 60% heat (~44% of a full clip), rather than scaling with the amount of heat.
Im pretty sure that thermal exhaust feedback now interacts with plasma splash again since I have been able to consistently light groups of grunts on fire with it.